The Contra-Propeller M. 8S. Steel Electrician of the Isthmian S. 8S. Line Equipped with Lake Type Contra-Propeller Repeat Orders— The Proof of Merit The steering performance of the two ships STEEL ELECTRICIAN and STEEL CHEMIST which are equipped with Contra-Propellers, was so satisfactory during the 1926 season on the Great Lakes that orders have been received to install this device on the two sister ships STEEL MOTOR and STEEL VENDOR. Operators who have placed repeat orders include: ISTHMIAN STEAMSHIP LINES...... SEVEN VESSELS THE TEXAS COMPANY. FOUR VESSELS THE ORE STEAMSHIP COMPANY... FOUR VESSELS THE POCAHONTAS S.S. COMPANY.. TWO VESSELS COASTWISE TRANSPORTATION CO. TWO VESSELS GREAT LAKES DREDGE & DOCK CO. TWO VESSELS Recent model basin tests carried out in the Washington tank have shown that vessels equipped with Contra- Propellers maintain the same speed with 12% to 16% less Indicated Horsepower than is required for ships without Contra-Propellers. The Contra-Propeller is manufactured in the United States solely : : by the Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corporation, Ltd. under license from Typical Contra-Propeller Th. Goldschmidt Corporation, 68 Beaver St., New York City, ex- Installation (Lake Type) clusive representative for the United States and Canada. The Contra-Propeller Assures Better Steering — Increased Speed — Fuel Saving BETHLEHEM SHIPBUILDING CORPORATION, LTD., BETHLEHEM, PA. General Sales Offices :-— East Coast: 25 Broadway, New York City West Coast: Matson Bldg., San Francisco District Offices in Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore BETHLEHEM MARINE REVIEW—April, 1927