26 PERALTA—Passenger Ferry—Dou ble Ended—Turbo-Electric 4 yer pV? ay Cie ET AAT Name—PERALTA and YERBA BUENA Owner—Key System Transit Co., Oakland Builder—Moore Dry Dock Co. Naval Architects—Hibbs, McCauley & Smith Launched—Both vessels, fall 1926 Completed—PERALTA, March, 1927; YERBA BuENA, April, 1927 Classification—Highest in American Bureau HULL PARTICULARS Length overall, 276 feet; length between per- pendiculars, 256 feet; breadth molded, 47 feet, over guards, 70 feet; depth molded, 21 feet; draft normal load, keel, 14 feet 9% inches; displacement loaded, 2100 tons; passenger ca- pacity, 4000; deadweight capacity, 261 tons; normal fuel oil capacity, 228 tons; speed 15.23 knots. MACHINERY PARTICULARS Main Engine—One Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co. turbine of 3600 horsepower. Main Generator—One Westinghouse direct current generator, geared to main turbine, of DESCRIPTION It is interesting to know that the turbo- electric form of pro- pulsion was chosen for these two fine ferry- boats on account of its inherent reliabil- ity as demonstrated to the satisfaction of the public and_ the owner for a period of two years. Similar sat- isfactory performance is expected from these new boats. Th 1900 kilowatts, at 514 revolutions per minute; one exciter of 200 kilowatts. Motors—Two Westinghouse double armature direct current propelling motors at 2250 horse- power total at 212 revolutions per minute. Boilers—Four Babcock & Wilcox water tube marine boilers of 2837 square feet heating sur- face each; superheat 100 degrees; fuel, oil. AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT | Manufacturers of: Oil Burning Equipment—Babcock & Wilcox Superheaters—Babcock & Wilcox Electric Generators—Westinghouse Elec. Co. Pumps—Worthington Pump & Mach. Corp. Windlass—Moore Dry Dock Co. Steering Engine—Hyde Windlass Co. Propellers—Am. Brown Boveri Elec. Corp. Refrigeration—Frigidaire Co. Valves—Lunkenheimer Co. Soot Blowers—Diamond Power Specialty Engine Controls, Lighting & Bells—Cory Tailshaft Lub.—Beth. McNab Vista Framing—Isherwood ANS MARINE REVIEW—April, 1927