34 FAIRFAX—Passenger —Ocean—Single Name—FAIRFAX, DORCHESTER, CHATHAM Owner—Merchants & Miners Transp. Co. Builder—Newport News S. B. & D. D. Co. Naval Architect—Merchants & Miners Transp. Launched—F AIrFAX, June 12, 1926; DoRCHES- TER, March 20, 1926; CHATHAM, Feb. 3, 1926 Completed—Sailed on maiden voyage, FAIRFAX, Sept. 17, 1926; DorcHESTER, July 20, 1926; CHATHAM, May 8, 1926. Classification—American Bureau of Shipping HULL PARTICULARS Length overall, 368 feet; length between per- pendiculars, 350 feet; breadth molded, 52 feet; depth molded to hurricane deck, 36 feet; draft loaded, 19 feet; displacement loaded, 6950 tons; gross register tonnage, 5649; net register ton- nage, 3456; passenger capacity, 302 first class, 12 second class; cargo capacity cubic feet, 269,- 000; bunker fuel oil capacity in tons, 384 plus 210 in reserve; speed, 13% knots. MACHINERY PARTICULARS Main Engine—One reciprocating steam engine built by Newport News Shipbuilding & »Dry- dock Co.; type, triple expansion 4 cylinders 25 x 42% x 54 x 54 inches and 48-inch stroke; indicated horsepower, 2700 at 81 revolutions per minute. Boilers—Number 4; name of maker, Newport crew Steam DESCRIPTION The FaIrRFAX was the last of three combina- tion cargo and passen- ger vessels completed during 1926 for the Merchants & Miners Transportation Co. These vessels with im- provements are simi- lar to the BERKSHIRE and ALLEGHENY com- pleted in 1923. They are very comfortable and attractive ships and were especially de- signed for the coast- wise service. News Shipbuilding & Drydock Co.; type, Scotch single ended; size, 14 feet 3 inches in diame- ter, 11 feet 2% inches long; 9470 square feet heating surface; fuel, oil; 200 pounds per square inch working pressure. The boilers are so de- signed that they can be converted to burn coal. AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT Manufacturers of: Pumps—Worthington Pump & Mach. Corp. Windlass—Hyde Windlass Co. Winches—10, Lidgerwood Mfg. Co. Gyro Compass & Gyro Pilot—Sperry Boat Hoists—American Engineering Co. Steering Engine—Hyde Windlass Co. Radio Equipment—Radio Corp. Fire Extinguishing—Lux, Walter Kidde. Refrigeration—Brunswick-Kroeschell Co. Oil Burning Equipment—Todd Oil Burner Electric Generators—Terry Steam Turbine Feed Water Heaters—Griscom-Russell Co. Fuel Oil Heaters—Griscom-Russell Co. Scot Blowers—Diamond Power Telegraphs-Fire Alarm—Chas. Cory | Framing—Isherwood System Electric Motors—Diehl Manufacturing Co. Lighting Sets—Kearfott Eng. Co. Cabin Windows—Kearfott Eng. Co. Blower—B. F. Sturtevant Co. DIMENSIONS Length Overall 368-0" Length Bet. Perps 350-0" Breadth Moulded 52-0" Depth To Hurricane Deck 36-0” MARINE REVIEW—April, 1927