STEEL CHEMIST—Freighter— Single Screw Diesel Name—STEEL CHEMIST Owner—U. S. Steel Products Co. Builder—Federal Shipbuilding & D. D. Co. Naval Architect—John C. Craven Launched—May 6, 1926 Completed—Aug. 28, 1926 Classification—American Bureau of Shipping HULL PARTICULARS Length overall, 257 feet 734 inches; length between perpendiculars, 250 feet; breadth molded, 42 feet 9 inches; depth molded, 20 feet; draft, 14 feet; displacement loaded, 3440 tons in fresh water; gross tonnage, 1694; net tonnage, 974; cargo capacity, 2000 tons, or 113,000 cubic feet; bunker fuel capacity, 75 tons; speed, 9% knots. MACHINERY PARTICULARS Main Engine—One, 2-cycle, 4-cylinder, double acting diesel engine; size, 16 inches diameter cylinders, 24-inch stroke; builder, Worthington Pump & Machinery Corp. Boilers—One Donkey boiler; type, vertical fire ’ 1‘ 4 ah eee Cargo! Hold DESCRIPTION The STEEL CHEMIST and her sister vessel the STEEL ELECTRICIAN in hull and cargo han- dling arrangements are duplicates of the STEEL MorTor and STEEL VENDOR. A change has been made in the propulsive ma- chinery, a double act- ing diesel engine being fitted in the STEEL CHEMIST and _ diesel electric drive in the sister boat. tube; size, 5 feet 3 inches by 9 feet; fuel, oil; builder, Federal Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co. Auxiliary Engines—Two, Worthington diesel, each connected to a 60-k.w. Diehl generator. AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT Manufacturers of: Pumps—Worthington; Westinghouse motors Winches (warping)—Hyde Windlass Co. Winch Motors—General Electric Cargo Cranes—Brown Hoist Co. Steering Engine—Hyde Windlass Co. Refrigeration—Brunswick-Kroeschell Co. Oil Burning Equip.—Todd Oil Burner Telegraphs & Lighting—Chas. Cory Gyro Compass Equip.—Sperry Silencers—Maxim Silencer Co. Electrical Controls—Cutler-Hammer Oil Purifier—DeLaval Separator Co. Radio Equipment—Radio corporation Anchor Chain—National Malleable Fire Extinguisher—Lux CO, System, Kidde Aux. Gen.—Hill Diesel; G. E. 4 k.w. d Profile Upper Deck MARINE REVIEW—April, 1927