__ HIF AIBA ARR TY or NEW YORK DEPART. MENT 5 or PLANT anp STRUCTURES Cael ies eed ie et et Profile drawing of new Municipal Ferry. L. O. A. 101 Ve 6 in.; W. 30 ft. O in.; D. 11 f.. 10% in. To be powered with a 300 B. H. P. Nelseco Diesel Engine, type 6 MIR-18. Capacity, 160 passengers (seated) and 5 automobiles The First Municipal Diesel-driven Ferries ONTRACTS were signed recently by the New York Department of Plant and Structures for two Diesel-powered ferries ...the first of the type to be owned and operated by the City of New York. These ferries are being built by the Todd Dry Dock Engineering and Repair Cor- poration atthe Tebo Yacht Plant, Brooklyn, N. Y., under the direction of Commissioner Albert Goldman. It is probable they will be put in service in the East River early this summer. Each of these vessels will be powered with a 300 B. H. P. Nelseco Diesel Engine of the latest direct-reversible, mechanical - injection type. These engines are similar in design to the 24 Nelseco Diesels recently ordered by the Southern Pacific Railroad Company for use in ferry boats on San Francisco Bay and the 12 Nelseco Diesels now in use on new Electric Ferries in New York harbor. The selection of Nelseco Diesels for the first Municipal Ferries is only natural in view of the ruggedness, simplicity, and proven efficiency of these dependable power units. Nelseco engineers will gladly help you with your power problems and will furnish astonishing figures on the low operating cost of Nelseco Diesel Engines. Write for Pamphlet MR. NEW LONDON SHIP & ENGINE COMPANY Groton, Conn., U.S. A. Chicago Representative H. JACOBSEN 25 North Dearborn Street NELSECO New York Sales Office 247 Park Avenue, New York City West Coast Representative KING-KNIGHT CO. Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles Original licensees from and collaborators with M.A.N. since 1910 MARINE REVIEW—May, 1927 43