ene er ee eae a tye ae ay bee v THE IMPROVED MARINE GENERATING SETI Y 7 r Wt fo Ct SS ati oo. Soci : a ie Pm Hic 5 e 1 ines = See a oy) ae Pe —— 5 ges = a pet er eres ee We ge ees ees ee i — Ses = YOU ‘LEAVE - PORT With a feeling of satisfaction when the vessel is furnished with Supplies that you can de- pend on. That is the kind we have been delivering to the boats on the great lakes for over 80 years. Our General Catalog No. 111! should be in the hands of every vessel owner or operator. Algiers Ferries Also Use Engberg Marine Generating Sets Te two ferry boats, “New Orleans” and “Algiers,” recently constructed for the Algiers Public Service Com- pany of New Orleans by the Howard Shipyards, are both equipped with Engberg 10 K.W. Marine Generat- ing Sets, in accordance with specifi- cations prepared by Eads Johnson, Naval Architect of New York City. This is but another of the many convincing examples which definite- ly prove preference by the leading Marine Corporations and Engineers for Engberg Equipment. It also illus- trates the adaptability of these mach- ines to all classes of service, whether for river, lake, or ocean. Improvements resulting from more than thirty years of intensive study and testing insure greatest conven- ience for the operator, a genuine guarantee of dependable, econom- ical service, and are responsible for the selection of Engberg in first-class Forwarded on application. GEO:B:CARPENTER & Co. MARINE SUPPLIES 436 No. Wells St. Chicago REMEMBER —that we build boats, from tugs to big installations. freighters. Investigate the “Improved Marine Gen- = that we are ideally situated on Lake erating Set.” Write for descriptive catalog. Michigan. —that we have a trained crew of skilled workmen. —that we have splendid docking facili- ties. —that we are veteran successful boat- builders. ENGBERG’S ELECTRIC & MECHANICAL WORKS 2219 Vine St., es, Mich. U.S, ° Write for details MANITOWOC SHIPBUILDING CORP. Ore ENGINES sin 68 GENERATORS eo aariic GO) sort nno ens Manitowoc, Wis. SETS MOTORS MANT TOW® 64 MARINE REVIEW—May, 1927 C ee eee THE RESULT OF THIRTY YEARS MARINE EXPERIENCE —————— ne