Plain Facts About Columbian Rope —————— EE MARINE SERIES NUMBER ONE It is ““The Guaranteed Rope”’ There is no beating about the bush in the Columbian Guarantee. It’s right there and anyone can plainly see it, printed on the red, white and blue Tape-Marker, and backed by the manufacturer’s signature. Think what it means when all lines aboard contain the Red, White and Blue Tape-Marker It means that each line is fully Guaranteed and in proof of the gen- uineness of this Guarantee, the manufacturer adds his signature to it. As the Tape-Marker extends in one strand, throughout the entire length, the Columbian Guarantee goes with every line, whether it be a full coil or a few fathoms. It is the most tangible Guarantee in the cordage in- dustry and a definite assurance of Rope Satisfaction. Columbian Rope Company 332-90 Genesee Street Auburn, ‘‘The Cordage City’’ N. Y. Branches: New York Chicago Boston New Orleans se GUARANTEED ROPE” watt Ga JourerCOLUMBIAN ROPE CO. ave ask FOR “COLUMBIAN” TRADE MAR MARINE REVIEW—June, 1927