THE SOO LOCKS HE locks connecting Lake Superior with the lower Great Lakes is by far the busiest locking system in the world. Dur- ing the season of 1926, which covered seven months and twenty days, there were 20,898 transits through these locks carrying a total of 85,679,087 tons of cargo. The number of transits through the **Soo’’ Locks for that period was more than twice the total number of transits through both the Panama and Suez canals for all of 1926, and the freight carried by these transits was more than three times that carried through either the Suez or Panama canal. The Sperry Gyro-Compass is an important factor in the safe and efficient navigation of the huge freighters and passenger ships that ply these waters. MANHATTAN BripDGE PLAZA BROOKLYN, NEW YORK XN CLEVELAND LOS ANGELES PHILADELPHIA SAN FRANCISCO SEATTLE MARINE REVIEW—June, 1927° 3