MARINE DEPARTMENT of American Bridge Company FRICK BUILDING | PITTSBURGH. PENNA. BUILDERS OF STEEL BARGES for RIVERS and HARBORS CAR-FLOATS G-R Multiscreen Filter || BSFWy Ch) 0.8 © Keeps oil out ETS | Engine of the boiler _ Forgings eal 4 We manufacture High Grade Carbon and Alloy Steel Forg- ings, furnished smooth forged, rough turned, heat treated and finished complete; specializing in Diesel Engine Forgings, Hollow Bored Forgings, rough or finished bored, and Ordnance Work. Send for bulletin THE GRISCOM-RUSSELL CO. : Department N, 285 Madison Ave., New York National Forge & Ordnance Co. Philadelphia chic St. Louis San Weanciee IRVINE, WARREN CO., PENNA. Detroit. Housan Secttie Bell Phone: 55 Youngsville, Pa. Branch Offices Chicago Cleveland New York Detroit 66 MARINE REVIEW—June, 1927