a | Dry Docking — far Carpenter ae = and dosed = Joiner Work Repairing Fuel Oil Tank Installations * Ee Diesel : Installations New York Special bi eos Machinery poised ‘‘Good Ships Deserve Good Workmanship. Installations DEAN B AOS. Cummings Combination Counter & Telltale Officially approved as conforming to M. ARIN E P UM PS Emergency Fleet Technical Order No. 104 IMMEDIATE DELIVERIES THE DEAN OF PUMPS ON LAND AND SEA Figure No. 2311 Horizontal S'ngle Sty‘e Outside End Packed Pot Valve Plunger Pump for Boiler Feeding and Heavy Pres- sure Pumping for 300 pounds. Continuous Rotary eight figure large numeral counter with no trouble- some reciprocating parts. Countershaft geared down | to 10 of main shaft. Positive counter with adjustable friction-drive telltale, 9-inch dial. ESTABLISHED J8E9 Same hardened steel counter as used by U. S. navy on all destroyers, battleships, etc. : To determine R. P. M. hold watch in one hand and telltale on zero with Y other hand, release and stop after interval of 60 seconds. ys We also furnish drivin g mechanism from main shaft to counter. /NOIANAPOLIS /NO. Cummings Machine Works 255 Atlantic Ave. BOSTON, U.S. A. 70 MARINE REVIEW—June, 1927