i i ail Always Sell “C. I. F.” and Specify American Ships Y quoting prices on a basis of “c.i.f.” rather than “f.o.b.” you are enabled to choose for the carriage of your cargoes American ships operated for the United States Shipping Board, and thus in two ways give impetus to the expansion of your export trade. The United States Shipping Board Freight Services are constantly developing and fostering new markets for American business—sailing regularly and frequently and carrying their cargoes promptly and safely to their destinations. Furthermore, they are under the direction of experienced United States Shipping Board American operators who are in a position to give valuable advice to prospective shippers. Included in this fleet are the speedy pas- senger ships of the United States Lines, sailing from New York to principal European ports. In addition to carrying passengers, the United States Lines ships, led by the famous Leviathan, provide an exceptional express freight service. Forcompleteinformation regarding freight or passenger services consult “Schedule of eS yacomprehensive publication issued by the Trafic Department, or write direct. Merchant Fleet Corporation WASHINGTON, D. C. MARINE REvIEw—July, 1927 49