Follow the latest Vacuum Oil Company “<iiimiie Sadun. 4 Free Copy on Request With Great Lakes District Supplement practice in Marine Lubrication The most authoritative and complete treatise today on Marine Lubrication for the en- gine room is yours on request. “Marine Lubrication of Steamships with Reciprocat- ing Engines.” This 64-page, fully illustrated, practical treatise isissued bythe Vacuum Oil Company. The different chapters cover : — 1. Profits through Correct Lubrication. 2. Main Power Equipment of the Steamship. 3. Auxiliary, Deck and Steer- ing Equipment and Elec- tric Motors. 4. TheCare,Storage,Recovery and Purification and Ap- plication of Lubricants. 5. Recommendations: Special Gargoyle Products and list of Ports at which all the well-known Gargoyle Marine Oils may be purchased. GAREON > Z Marine Oils A grade for each type of service Specialists in the manufacture of MARINE REVIEW—July, 1927 If you operate vessels on the Great Lakes make a special request for the new Supple- ment which outlines standard practices in the selection and application of lubricants in the Great Lakes District. Send for a free copy of “Marine Lubrication.” It will give you valuable facts on the Economic Significance of Lubrication. Kindly address: Vacuum OilCompany, Devart- ment D, 343 South Dearborn Street, Chicago, II. New York, U.S. A.