Veteeecter tend CTT ay ah Soy Nts Se eet ee Lerwceretd es SSA eg ae atic cs On the Ice Patrol | bake through fog and snow, ice and mountainous seas, the sturdy coast guard cutters hunt out dangerous icebergs and make the North Atlantic safe for shipping. Thousands of lives and millions of dollars worth of shipping are dependent upon their ability to keep going regardless of conditions. In the three new cutters now under construction, the responsi- bility will rest on Westinghouse turbine-electric propulsion and Westinghouse auxiliaries. All auxiliaries will be driven normally by power direct from the main turbine unit. This method represents the maximum in economy of operation and the most important advance in design since the advent of electric propulsion. Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company East Pittsburgh Pennsylvania Sales Offices in All Principal American Cities X93623 Service Stations in Principal American Ports Westinghouse MARINE REVIEW—July, 1927 59