Marine Review The National Publication Covering the Business of Transportation by Water FOUNDED 1878 CLEVELAND NEW YORK CONTENTS Vol. 57 July 1927 No. 7 Page Malolo Demonstrates Seaworthiness................ 11 By E. C. Kreutzberg Ile de France Sails from Havre.................... 15 ee SSS SB es s = yHE BUSINESS OF TRANSPORTATION BY WATER = | Peter Stuyvesant Goes Into. S€PVICE Lieve 18 ———= Pilot’s Responsibility for Ship........................ 20 By C. McKay The Penton Publishing Co. Wrecked Tanker ae Cleveland, Ohio, U. S. A. Cees By Ben Sykes Woodhead Cleveland Office, Penton Bldg. ; ; ; ; “H. Cole Estep, Ylee President Diesel Drive in Danish Carferry.................... 22 ° ° Fy it ete ete 3. Poase: losing Director Maritime Law—Late Decisions................0...0. 28 iB we b> jie Circulation Manager Skill hg piglet By Harry Bowne illman Hosier ls. 472 Nate Sy.) Cambniggr: Photographs—Latest Marine Events........... i eo eT orar pene Dredge Bit Protected with Stellite................ 30 oe e R e oo Guy Eastman Tripp (1865-1927)... 31 V. E. Dolan ; ees ‘ Chicago Office, 1147 Peoples Gas Bldg. Tydol—Oil Barge, Diesel Driven.................... 32 5 ° tt e e ° e Fred P. Pletcher Ports—Marine Business Statisties................ 34 New York Office, 220 Broadway, : "Joseph Fuller, Eastern Representative Dock Management. Progress Section................ 35 - C. Kreutzberg ‘ : B. K. Price Reduce Stevedoring Accidents H. R. Simonds rites? Nodes 2148 Oliver Bldg. By het EC. Sweeny W. H. Lloyd 5 oast. Guard * Vessel. cs... .05s.c00.i5005 Sy; San peewee eee 24 California St. Egyptian C | D 5 38 nm Partridge iti re Doing...3553. ae Watieeten D. hs Choe What the Britis & ° © 3 = aie What’s Doing Around the Lakeg..................... 38 agge eis on eee gr pe aera Freight Rates and Bunker Prices.................... 39 Del J hein eae cles Books-——-Review: of Latest...2..........4... 40 Subscripti United Stat d it . ’ ® posseasions, $3 er, years Canada. $4.00; From the Editor's Mail...c.0340cccienacGe 40 t tai the ign Countries, z £1:0:0. Single copies 35 cents. Back Personal Sketches of Marine Men.................. 42 args ia Bene Oh doe} mon a sane : : : evelian ews To. 8u es e trade with, MARINE, REVIEW through the H. H. Raymond, chairman Agwi Lines ? < Ge fussueda Aieni, Tha lotecnational By E. C. Kreutzberg News Co., Breams building, Chancery 3 Lane, London, E. C., England. Self-Docking a Floating Dry Dock................ 44 Member, the Audit Bureau of Circula: Disasters—Marine, Late Flashes on.............. 52 fe MiGendt Pablister Assccation, Eac Trade Publications Reviewed..............::cce 54 tered at the Post Office at Cleveland, Ohio, : as Second Class Matter, under the set of Business News for the Marine Trade............ 54 March 3, 1879. Copyright 1927 by The Penton Publishing Co., Cleveland, O. ‘MARINE REVIEW—July, 1927