A Visual Bearing Unit ONE: OF THE FIFTEEN BETTERMENTS IN THE New Kolster RADIO COMPASS The new model Kolster Compass is a marvelous contribution to navigational efficiency. One of its fifteen improvements, a Visual Bearing Unit, is in itself, a striking advancement. (A) indicates its position. A small Neon lamp_ flashes the characteristics of the transmitting stations, and visual bearings may be taken by observing the “‘dead zone” on the lamp. This new unit is used as. an accessory to head phones for short distance bearings. Other improvements include a specially designed Enclosed Loop, a positive Uni-Directional Indi- cator, Improved Compensator, new-type 8-tube ultra-selective Receiver and ten other features. If you .haven’t received the new Kolser folder, pictring the fiten FEDERAL TELEGRAPH COMPANY improvements, write for it now No obligation. i Nee 25 Beaver St., New York Hobart Bldg., San Francisco cn a ene SESE lp a s THE BABCOCK & WILCOX CO. Manufacturers of Marine Water Tube Boilers Since 1895 Steamer “‘JOSEPH H. FRANTZ’’, The Columbia Steamship Company Equipped with Babcock & Wilcox Water Tube Boilers and Superheaters THE BABCOCK & WILCOX CO. Marine Department 85 LIBERTY STREET, NEW YORK MARINE REVIEW—July, 1927 69