garter LINERS ces Vessels of Every Type eee ales of every type are now using the Sperry Gyro- Compass. Its powerful TRUE NORTH directive force, and instan- taneous indications have made it the soul of the modern ship. The contributions of the Sperry Gyro-Compass to the operation of ships of every kind are: Accurate navigation, efficient steering, faithful reproduction of all courses steered, means for obtaining quick and more accurate reading of radio bear- ings, and control of the Sperry Gyro-Pilot known for its super- human steering ability. Every ship worth sending to sea deserves the added safety and efli- ciency of the Sperry Gyro-Compass. THE SPERRY GYROSCOPE COMPANY London BROOKLYN, N. Y. Tokyo on 9,000,000 Tons 4 yr gepiegy bY he, Bergenst): CMG PCT WE 2) Olt PALMETIC’$ Ling Da ied WATER PASSENGER LINERS Lal dont a 4G 4, ts 4 PEA; hen f i, VTE CAI O4CP hha} gat eo) 44 Com Vat YY Nagas Spies 444 Y's y Bd Re oR pe 4s 4 pe Ae eae SARE DIEOUEEEA BDEE an GE 4 tb 44 _ FERRIES 6 Aes ae pa Yaga hs fs & Bb ony 4s? r ¢ " Yel 244% 0314 ULTiE YUGLAAG Van art 44440645 TUGBOATS Standard Oil Company (ind.)} Blin Ob 5 ey tk eG %¢ Qutagamie MARINE REVIEW—July, 1927 —~]