S. S. Iroquois The Iroquois, Shawnee and all new Clyde Line Ships are Independent equipped be- cause the Clyde Line, in company with many other representative American Steamship Owners demands Economical _ Long-Range Communication and Dependability in an Emergency Independent Continuous Wave Transmitters Independent Wireless Telegraph Company P~uocorporated General Offices: 67 Wall St., New York Branches throughout the World HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE ervices Papaneer Ts to Cherbourg, Southampton and Hamburg. New York and Boston to Cobh (Queenstown) and Hamburg. Freight Services k to Hamburg direct. Dhrladctphis. Baltimore and Norfolk to Bremen and mburég. U.S. Pacific Chak Ports to Northern Europe. United American Lines, Inc. General Agents 26 Broadway New York ESTABLISHED, 1854 SHERIFFS MANUFACTURING CO. PROPELLER “1 : aZ4WHEELS pe EE and | <== _-PROPELLER BLADE'S to fit any hub. MILWAUKEE, WIS. Star Brass Mfg. Co. 53 Oliver Street -::- Boston, Mass. MANUFACTURERS OF Accurate ‘‘Non-corrosive’’ Pressure and Recording Gages, Revolution Counters, Marine Clocks. Dead Weight Gage Testers. Marine Safety and Relief Valves for all pressures. Marine Whistles and Sirens. Extra Heavy Renewable Globe, Angle and Check Valves. Star Outside Spring Steam Engine Indicators. HIGH GRADE THROUGHOUT SPECIFY AND ORDER THE BEST. Branches: CHICAGO PITTSBURGH NEW YORK Regutered Trade Mark HAZEL-ATLAS GLASS Co. ROLLING MILLS WHEELING, W. VA. Eastern Sales Office—53 Park PLN oYa¢ Western Sales Office—202 Davis St , San Francisco Cal Southern Sales Office—505 Marine Bk Bldg., New Orleans, La 66 MARINE REVIEW—September, 1927