Progress in Oil-Tank Ship Construction “BRACKETLESS—SYSTEM” (PATENTED) ay aoe ye ee Eliminates Bulkhead Leakage. Greatly simplifies construction. Greatly reduces cost of upkeep and cost o damage repairs. Greatly reduces cost of cleaning tanks. Substantially increases the longitudinal strength beyond the well-tried ‘‘Isherwood System.” ees || eens, —7— as == =] 9) ma ‘ Pease al { & ih & | = = — ; RRS | ‘i as me a TREE | GR ares ie i) ie -——} oS i! oe ° LV {43 For Particulars Apply 17 Battery Place, New York and W e | & h e r WwW oO oO d + Bt. 4, Lloyd’s Avenue, London, E.C. 3 Gas Free Tanks Will Never Explode @ WHEELER SYSTEM Quickest, Safest, Cleanest, Cheapest OIL TANK CLEANING Salvage Process Corporation 224 Bush St. 30 Broad St. = BROOKLYN NEW YORK sere ison 66 Pee Phone—Henry 1942 MARINE REVIEW—September, 1927 ge: