86 JOHN N. WILLYS bt The A. B. P. is a non- profit organization whose members have pledged themselves to a working code of practice in which the interests of the men of American industry, trade and professions are placed first--a code demanding unbiased editorial pages, classi- fied and verified paid subscribers, and honest advertising of Be }) dependable products, (7 “Behind the - Salesman’s Call” { fy KASAI AAAS TK ABA USAR TVS BS TARE) OHN WILLYS—outstanding American manufac turer and merchandizer—says: “The commodity must be at least two-thirds sold before the salesman closes the purchase.” x * * * * This publication is a part of that essential selling job that means the ultimate order. * * * * * Behind the salesman’s call is a great chain of information. Changes in practice, new ideas, new policies of manu facturing and marketing—all these reach your eye as a reader and buyer through the editorial pages. And just as the editorial pages point out new methods and new opportunities of cost-saving or profit-making so the advertising pages reinforce the editorial content with their specific information on products, commodities or services that will put their new ideas to work in your business. : When you reread this issue think of it not as pages of printed paper but as an inventory of information and products and service to help its readers—its editorial material selected from the best of the present, its advertis- ing pages, the paid announcements and descriptions of the output of businesses made to serve you as yours is run to serve others. MARINE REVIEW—October, 1927 SAC TI VEaliCay VAs Iie=¥ A TAA Rae