28 _ Diesel Direct Drive in Freighter Seminole One Double Acting Engine—3800 B. H. P. Engine Name of Engine—Hamilton M. A. N.; Year—1927 Builder—The Hooven, Owens, Rentschler Co. ~ Cycle—Two; No. of Cylinders—4; I. H. P.—5200 B. H. P.—3800; Action—Double acting Injection—Air; Scavenging—Port scavenging Piston Cooling—Fresh water; Bore—27% inches Stroke—47% in; R. P. M.—115; Piston Speed— 900 f. p. m. Pressure Ind:—85 lbs.; Pressure Brake—65 lbs. B. H. P. per Cyl.—950; I. H. P. per Cyl.—1300 Mechanical Eff.—73%; Stroke to Bore—1.718 Wkg. Strokes per Rev.—8; Lgth. O. A.—32 ft. 0 in. Height O. A.—27 ft.6in.; Width O. A.—16 ft. 0 in. Weight—868,000 lbs.; Lbs. per B. H. P.—229 lbs. Reversing—By air, sliding camshaft Air Compressor—Three stage vertical, attached Vessel Name—Seminole; Type—Ocean freighter Main Drive—Single screw. Direct D. A. diesel Length—416 ft.; Beam—54 ft.; Depth—33 ft. 9 in. Draft—26 ft. 10% in.; Displacement—13,000 tons DESCRIPTION One’ engine of this size and type direct connected to the pro- peller shaft has been installed in the 9400- deadweight ton freighter SEMINOLE at the Tietjen and Lang plant, Hoboken, N. J. This powerful engine is one of four working on the double acting principle developed by three American build- ers as a result of the conversion from steam to diesel initiated by the government. Deadweight—Approx. 9400 tons; Speed—12.5 kts. Fuel Cap.—760 tons; Fuel per Day—18 tons Fuel—Lbs. per B. H. P. per hr.—0.44; per I. H. P. —0.325 ‘Radius Without Refueling—14,000 miles Generators—Three of 75 k. w. each at 265 r. p. m. Direct connected to Worthington diesels; also with compressor of 170 cu. ft. p. m. free air Remarks The work of converting the shipping board freighter SEMINOLE was carried out at the Tiet- jen & Lang plant of the Todd Shipyards Corp., Hoboken, N. J. Her sea trials were to be held on Oct. 27 out of New York. This two cycle double acting diesel engine is of the vertical marine type with built up crank- shaft, marine style connecting rod and single crosshead guide. The framing consists of a lower housing supported on the bedplate with entablature setting on the housing, and above, upper columns connecting to the upper entab- lature. Oscar Daniels type freighter fitted with one 3800 B. H. P. double acting Hooven, MARINE REVIEW—November, 1927