32 Engine Name of Engine—Winton; Year—1927 Builder—The Winton Engine Co.; Cycle—4 Wo.-of Cyls.—6; B. H. P.—350; I. H.: P.—500 Action—Single; Injection—Air; Piston Clg.—None Bore—14 in.; Stroke—18 in.; R. P. M.—225 Piston Speed—675 ft. p. m.; Pressure Ind.—109.2 Pressure Brake—76;. B. H. P. per Cyl.—58.4 I. H. P. per Cyl.—83.3; Mechanical Eff.—70% Stroke-Bore—1.29; Working Stroke per Rev.—3 L. O. A.—22 ft. 7% in.; Hgt. O. A.—9 ft. 136 in. Width O. A.—6 ft. 9% in.; Weight—One engine, 67,000 lbs.; Lbs. per b. h. p.—191 Reversing—Air, sliding camshaft Air Comp.—Attached, 3-stage, progressive type Diesel Direct Drive in Tanker Tydol Two Engines—Each 350 B. H. P. DESCRIPTION Two engines of this size and type each di- rect connected to a sep- arate propeller shaft are installed in the diesel tanker TYDOL. The engine is of full diesel, single acting, four cycle, air injec- tion, trunk piston, di- rect reversible, marine type. It is fitted with an attached compres- sor of three-stage type with a capacity of 157 cubic feet per minute at 226: ¥r.. p. mM. easel Name—Tydol; Built by Sun S. B. & D. D. Co. for the Tidewater Oil Co., New York Type—Oil tanker for coastal and canal service a & Ls Main Drive—Twin screw diesel engines direct connected. L. B. P.—252 ft.; L. O. A.—260 ft. 10% in.; Beam—40 ft.; Draft—12 ft.; Displmt.—2755 tons Deadwt.—1885 tons; Speed—10 kts.; Propellers—2 Fuel Consumption—Lbs. per b. h. p. per hr.—0.44; Lbs. per i. h. p. per hr.—0.31 Generators—Two of 75 k. w. each at 300 r. p. m. Winton engines; Westinghouse electrieal end Some of the Standard Sizes of Engines Single Acting Cycle ; No. Cyls. se 0 ty Ye i Width Weight 11 ft. 654 in. 294% in. 7,700 12 ft. % in. 331% in. 13,000 {1 ft. 4° > in. 331% in. 9,500 14 ft. 2% in. : 4236 in. 21,500 19 ft 10% in. in. 51. in. 38,000 26 ft. 714 in. i 7434 in. 110,000 Twin screw Winton diesel engined oil tanker Typot—For coastal and barge canal service MARINE REVIEW—November, 1927