Searchlights! ! Yo Why Every Vessel Should Have at Least One constructed of corrosion resisting aluminum alloy, bronze and monel metal. (6) It has _ a high grade, heavy glass reflecting mirror. (7) It is provided with stray light shields, giving a powerful well formed beam. (8) It is made in types and sizes to suit every pur- pose. (9) It is designed, built and guar- anteed by one of the world’s largest builders of high powered searchlights. Every vessel should have at least one Sperry Incandescent Searchlight for, (1) It is an impor- tant aid to navigation—facilitates picking up channel buoys, docking and other harbor and inland water work. (2) It is of economical value as a floodlight for handling cargo or other work about the decks. (3) It is always ready for one of those emergencies — when a reliable searchlight is ‘‘worth its weight in gold.”’ A complete stock of these lights is aly available at our factory, and the most generally used types are in stock at our various branch offices. THE SPERRY GYROSCOPE COMPANY LONDON BROOKLYN, N. Y. TOKYO Branch Offices in U. S. CLEVELAND LOS ANGELES SAN FRANCISCO SEATTLE 414 Rockefeller 236 Avalon 326 Matson 404 Central Building Boulevard Building Building MARINE REVIEW—November, 1927 socal tacts tar tintin - peitteloesaiis winesncachiceittehctcteil nsec psivincIedocapprinnis anietatiiccme tt EE ah Sonn one aE OLN RO ee Te Rn ee OE PS Te Te