TRADE MARK REGISTERED Tifoco Crankshafts for the Largest | Yacht in the World | iestvel sections of four-throw crankshafts were furnished for the two 1500 Hp. Bessemer Diesel Engines which are to be installed in the world’s largest Diesel Yacht now being built at Pusey & Jones yard at Wilmington, Del., a yacht which is 294' long with 38' beam. These crankshafts were finished complete at Titusville, were forged under a 1500-ton Hydraulic Forging Press and inspection made showed the shafts did not vary over .001" from specifications. The pins were parallel with the journals within .001" and each completed crankshaft weighed approximately nine tons. Experience, capacity, equipment plus a real desire to produce the finest crank- shafts is what Tifoco offers the Diesel Engine Industry. TITUSVILLE FORGE COMPANY, Titusville, Pa. New York—120 Broadway uv Pittsburgh—Park Building Chicago—80 East Jackson Blvd. Sales Offices Buffalo—Ellicott Square Los Angeles—1118 Santa Fe Ave. Milwaukee—First Wisconsin Nat. Bank Bldg. Detroit —General!l Motors Bldg. San FranciscomMonadnock Bldg. Cleveland —National Building SERRA SCRA URE Aa RGA See RAS SS SS SN NAR A UC era et an acetone ain aN RLS 50 MARINE REVIEW—November, 1927