the lower strake which is of the same and of weight as adjacent floors, 12%-pound plate above and stiffened with T7-inch x 16%-pound vertical channel stiffeners, spaced 380 inches between centers and with one horizon- tal stiffener at the level of the lower deck of 12-inch x 20-pound channels. Coal bunkers are arranged alongside of boilers and extend from the after end of No. 2 hold to the forward end of the engine room. Each side is LOOKING AFT IN THE MAIN SALOON WITH STATEROOMS OFF ON THE WABASH divided by a 4-foot recess for ash guns. The bunker bulkheads are of 10-pound plate stiffened with 17-inch x 18.6-pound vertical channels spaced 24 inches between centers. At the aft end of No. 2 hold there is fitted two wing tanks, each with a capacity of 60 tons. These tanks are arranged for trimming. the _ ship athwartship after loading cars and are connected to the ballast pumps in the engine room. These tanks are fitted with vent. pipes and sounding pipes. The forward collision bulk- head is 32 feet aft of the stem. For- ward of this bulkhead on a line of the hold beam there is a watertight or- lop deck which forms the fore peak tank below and the chain locker above. A similar watertight orlop deck is fitted aft of the after collision bulk- head. The space above this deck is used for steering and gate engines. To offset panting of the vessel diagonal struts of 7-inch x 16%-pound channels is fitted in the fore peak and the forward end of No. 1 holds bracketed to frames and riveted to stanchions. A _ breast hook of 20- pound plate is fitted forward and secured to the shell with 3% x 3% inches x 8.5-pound angles. There are four longitudinal plate girders under the main deck aft for carrying the overhang of the stern. These girders extend forward of the after peak bulkheads. A_ forecastle deck is fitted covering the windlass and extending aft to form paint and lamp lockers. .. Hatches are fitted in the car deck above the coal bunkers 22 feet long PASSENGER DINING ROOM ON WABASH by 38 feet 11 inches wide. These hatches are located between the wing tracks on each side and are fitted with angle coamings and gratings and also with sliding steel covers. Above Table VI Carferry Ann Arbor No. L Engines—Two steam triple expan- sion Diameter of cyls. ins Stroke, ins Propellers, solid cast steel (No. of). Boilers—Scotch type (No. of) Steam pressure lbs. sq. in Diameters ft:, ine ee ee Length, ft., ins Heat surface sq. ft. one boiler... Grate surface sa. ft Forced draft—Coal burner 20 16x34x56 36 ANN ARBOR NO. 5 OF SOLID ICE AND 7 MARINE REVIEW—December, 1927 AIDED BY ANN ARBOR NO. 4 BREAKING THROUGH 25 INCHES INCHES OF SNOW—R. H. REYNOLDS HOLDING RULE 15