on winter schedules directly after the Thanksgiving holiday. General mer- chandise shipments became lighter in the early part of November, due in part, it is believed, to the abnormal warm autumn weather. Several of the transportation companies took boats out of service with the drop in merchandise shipments. The Good- rich Transit Co., Chicago, removed from service two of its side wheelers. * * * RUIT shipments on the Great Lakes from the Michigan fruit belt were fairly satisfactory to lake transportation companies during the season. These shipments fell short of 1926 activity, which was heavier than usual. The 1927 fruit movement also was. considerably abbreviated, and failed to extend into the early winter months as was the case a year ago. * * *K REAT Lakes transportation com- panies are adding new motor truck lines as feeders for merchan- dise shipments. A number have been added during the past year. The Goodrich Transit Co. has a night mo- tor truck service for its lines, run- ning between Kalamazoo and Benton Harbor, Mich. HE new receiving station opened by the Goodrich Transit Co. in the central manufacturing district, Chicago, has met with a popular need in the southwestern section of Chi- cago. According to reports, shippers are finding this station a source of convenience. iy Ok * AKE shipments of stone and iron ore to the Gary, Ind., harbor ended Nov. 15 with the arrival of a cargo of stone from Calcite, Mich. Shipments of both stone and ore were continued later in the season to eastern ports. Ocean Freig ht Rates Per 100 Pounds Unless Otherwise Stated Quotations Corrected to Nov. 18, 1927 on Future Loadings | ; NOTE: FREIGHT RATES STEADY WITH SLIGHT CHANGE New York General cargo ttFinished REMARKS _ From North Pacific Lumber to Grain Provisions (H.D:) Flour cu. ft. 100 lbs. steel Freight Offered Ports to Per m. t. Liverpool...... 2s 3dt $0.60 $0.40 0.20 $0.50 0.90 $8 .OOT *** Fair San Francisco... $4.25 to 4.50 London....... 2s 6dt 0.60 0.40 0.20 0.50 0.90 8.00T *** Fair South California........ 4.50 Oslosccecs src: $0.20 0.45 0.50 0.30 0.50 1.00 8 OOT Fair Hawaiian Islands....... 9.00 to 10.00 Copenhagen... 0.20 0 45 0 50 0.30 0.50 1.00 8.00T Fair New: Zealand.:c3 30 & 15.00 to 18.00 Hamburg...... 0.15 0.55 0 40 0.25 0.50 0.90 10.00T Fair Sydney cas ae 11.00 to 14.00 Bremen....... 0.16 0.35 O25Ct6:65.-20825 0.50 0.90 10.00T Good Melbourne-Adelaide..... 13.00 to 14.00 Rotterdam and California Portsic?,.-. >. 3.75 to: 4:50 Amsterdam.... 0.17 0.32% 0 40 0225 0.45 0.80 9 50T Fair Oriental Ports (logs).... 15.60 to 16.00 Antwerp...... 0.14 0.3244 0.40 0.20 0.45 0.80 9.50T Fair PerucCiile. eee 11.75 to 14.00 Havrecic cons 0.14 0.55 0.50 0.30 0.45 0.80 9.00T Quiet Roush MAtier One ee 20.00 to 22.00 © Bordeaux...... 0.14 0.55 0.50 0.30 0.45 0.80 9.00T Quiet Cabatie 2 ea oe 16.00 to 17.00 Barcelona..... 0.50 0.30 10.00 bags —12.00T— 10.00T Fair United Kingdoms... 70s to 90s Asishons acs: 0.75 0.50 8.00T bags —23.00T— 8.00T Good United Kingdom (ties). Marseilles..... eee 0.65 0.40 7.00 bags —23.00T— 8.00T Good Baltimore-Boston range. $12. 00t to Se 00 Genoa........ 0.18 14.25 0.50 9.00 —23.00T— 150k Fair Florida Range... .:i.-: Ni uieates Naples Sicha ceitaia 2s) 0.18 14.25 0.50 9.00 —23 .00T— 11.50T Fair Buenos Aires..........- 10.00 to 15.00 Constantinople. 0:27 20.00T 0.85 0.40% —24.00T— 11.50T Fair North ofaliatiete Alexandria..... 20.00T 0.85 0.401% —24.00T— 11.50T Fair Cia ee be Sores 9.00 to 10.50 Algiers: iis. 536 0 85 0.60 0.45 —23 .00T— 11.50T Good Vapanics ssh sae 8.00 to 9.00 Dakar note oo’ sista 17.00 15-507 —23.00T— 11.50T Good Japan (logs). 2.7.0 12.00 to 14.00 Capetown..... Paes 18.00 13.00 20.00 13.00 to 18.00 Good Buenos Aires... 22 OOT 20.00 to 22.00T+ 8.00 to 8.80T Fair Flour and Wheat **Riode Janeiro 22.00T ens 20.00 to 22.00Tt 7.00to7.70T¢ «© Fair U. K. and Continent Pernambuco... 22.00T 9 00T —22.00T—t 9.70Tt Fair (gIOs8 ton) see wee cies 31s 6d to 35s Od Havana....... 0.35% 0.50 sas 0. 30* 0.61. 1.33. 10.00 Fair _—Oriental Ports (net tons).. $3.75 to 4.00 - Vera Cruz..... 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.25 0.52% ~=1.05 0.30 to 0.35 Fair Valparaiso..... ees 1.07 0.70 seas eee 10 00T Fair San Francisco. . 0.35 to 0.70 hee 0.40 to 1.10 Sane 0.25 to 0-30 Fair Sydney........ 18.00T 1325 18.00T 18.00-24.00T 9.00to12.—T Very good NOTE: Lighteraee ratesoo fuel x Mew Calcutta = i 10.00T —16.00T— 10 00T Fair York reduced from 6% to 5l4c T—Ton. tPer quarter of 480 lbs. ee t+tHeavy products limited in length. *Extra charge for wharfage. **Plus $0.50 surcharge on all rates to Rio de Janeiro on account of congestion. Principal Rates To and From United Kingdom 8 Grain, River Plate to United Kingdom... 21 Coal, South Wales to Near East....... 10 Coal, United Kingdom to Buenos ee 13 Manganese Ore, Poti to Philadelphia... $4.00 d 6 Pigiron, United Kingdom to New York or 3 Philadelph ie PER an ioe Ca Ara acca a 0 Iron ore, Bilbao to Cardiff...........:.. Iron ore, Huelva to Phila. or Balto...... Tt Bunker Prices ***Plus 15 per cent. per barrel. The coal strike in Britain is now settled and freight rates or bunker prices for coal or pig iron are again quoted. General cargo rates to Havana change daily and are omitted for d the time being. 6 Rates to Calcutta are subject to 3 change without notice. Cotton . 0 Landing goes only to Bombay. charge of $2.00 per freight ton at Valparaiso. At New York At Philadelphia Other Ports Coal Fuel oil Diesel engine Coal Fuel oil Diesel Eng. oil Boston, coal, per ton.... alongside alongside oil alongside trim. in bunk alongside alongside Boston, oil, f. a. 8, per per ton per barrel per gallon per ton per barrel _ per gallon barrel .... _ Pere : Riese Pen Tan. 19, 1927. 5.90@6.15 1.81% 5.87c an. 19; 1927 6.20 1.95@1.95% 5 88@6.19c Hampton Roads, coal, per Keb.c1 Bia en BD 23 Os: 50 118114 5.95 ! Sao .24@5.50 1 90@1.91 5.64@6. 13 ton, f.o.b., piers. $4.35 to 4.50 Mar. 18 5.25@5.50 1.814% 5,95 Mar. 18...... 5.24@5.50 1.95@1.95% 5.38@5.88 Neve 11 — Cardiff, coal, per Avr 19-2. 5@5.50 175 Deel Wor Oe eae 5.15@5.65 1.81@1.86 5.38@5.64 PONG reese ee ee 13s Od May 1 5.65 1.81% 5.63 May 193: 5.15@5.65 1.75%@1.76 5.14@5.38 Eendee. coal, per ton...—s —d June 183.55... 5.50 171% 5°39 June 18 5.00@5.25 1.70 5.12@5.14 Antwerp, coal, per ton. 20s 6d aly oie, 5.65 1.65 5.24 fulys19 ee 5.00@5.25 1.65@1.70 5.10@5.12 Antwerp, Fuel oil, ape ton 80s0d Rug 19 is 5.50 1.71% es Auge ee Db) 1.70@1.71 5.12@5.14 Antwerp, Diesel oi Oo pep 20.5 pie 1.65 5.04 Sept 20505 & Aer 1.62 @1.65 5.12@5.13 tON ccs s Od DO 5.65 1.61 Selle! Octe20e eins | Uaioe Peers enero enn British ports, Fuel oil.. Re Od See 18,1927. 5.50@5.65 1.46% stead bo) Nae. POO192 7 5 er 65 1.45@1.46 4.88@5.42 British ports, Diesel oil. -908 Od MARINE REVIEW—December, 1927 41