mu see y * Zegil th Xe (Nee et WA Gargoyle Marine Oils can be purchased here and in more than 300 of the other leading ports of the world. Wewrere Al Willd) —ief Th, oe sy be a a\ gc DING a How Correct Lubrication Improves Net Profits A large proportion of world shipping ap- proves Gargoyle Marine Oils. Here are some of the savings that follow the use of these high grade lubricants. Each item affects net profits. 1. Savings through reduced maintenance costs. 2. Savings through prolonged life of the power plant .. due to decreased friction of working parts. 3. Savings through elimina- tion of delays at sea due to hot or burned out — bearings. 4. Savings through reduc- ouneore 5. Savings through increased speed, or reduced fuel consumption for the same speed through more efficient operation of propelling machinery 6. Savings through reduced oil consumption. All of the above savings in greater or less degree are possible with the use of Gargoyle Marine Oils. Let a Vacuum Oil Company representative rec- ommend the specifically correct oil for your partic- ular engine or engines. Stand- ardize on Gargoyle Marine Oils for a year. Then check the results for yourself. Stocks carried in more than 300 world ports. On request we will send PORT OF DURBAN This map is one of a series. Watch for the succeeding ones. tion of time lost in port for repairs. Vacuum Oil Company 4 e 4 ariIne VIS 2": 3 free copy of our authoritative trea- A grade for each type of service pecialists in the manufacture of Obtainable everywhere in the world. MARINE REVIEW—December, 1927 high- =o: PWolcns for every class of machinery. tise: ‘Marine Lubrication.” Write for your copy. New York, U.S. A.