Independent Service and the Great AGWI Fleet Practically every ship of the great AGWI fleet, which includes the Ward Line, F orto Rico Line, Clyde Line, Clyde Santo Domingo and Mallory Line, is furnished | with INDEPENDENT RADIO SERVICE Steamship Coamo, flagship of the fleet of the orto Rico Line For Dependability In an Emergency and for Economical Long Range Communication INDEPENDENT CONTINUOUS WAVE TRANSMITTERS Independent Wireless Telegraph Co. INCORPORATED General Offices: 67 Wall Street, NEW YORK BRANCHES THROUGHOUT THE WORLD DEAN BROS. MARINE PUMPS “The Dean of Pumps on Land and Sea’ Figure No. 1518 Horizontal Durable Duplex Piston Type Pump for Ballast and General Light Service. ESTABLISHED /869 DEAN BROS. COMPANY /NDIANAPOL/S /ND. NATIONAL Diesel Engine Forgings We manufacture High Grade Carbon and Alloy Steel Forg- ings, furnished smooth forged, rough turned, heat treated and finished complete; specializing in Diesel Engine Forgings, Hollow Bored Forgings, rough or finished bored, ‘and Ordnance Work. National Forge & Ordnance Co. IRVINE, WARREN CO., PENNA. Bell Phone: 55 Youngsville, Pa. Branch Offices Chicago Cleveland New York Detroit 64 MARINE REVIEW—December, 1927