_ ENGINEERING Co. - ENGINEERS | . BOSTON MASs. Designers of RAILWAY DRY DOCKS FLOATING DRY DOCKS BASIN DRY DOCKS | 8000 TON FLOATING DOCK _ > CHARLESTON DRY DOCK & se MACHINE CO, e CHARLESTON, S.C. Refrigerating Machines Have a_ good _ service record at sea. Ask any engineer who has used a Frick. [Illustrated bulle- tins will tell you why they are superior. Write And so the hours kept tolling And through the ocean rolling Went the brave ship “Iberis” bowling Before the break of day. HEN her gear crea. and her timbers strain she needs to be “tight”. Real sailormen, those who love their ships, know that the only oakum to use to keep seams tight is the best. That's why most of them insist on STRATFORD OAKUM For nearly a century the seams of vessels staunch and true have been caulked with Stratford Oakum. Heavy weather then means little more than rolling and pitching, for Stratford Oakum keeps the seams tight. Caulk. right and she’ll stay tight— that’s the story when you use Stratford Oakum. Don’t accept a substitute; there is none ‘‘just as good”. GEORGE STRATFORD OAKUM COMPANY Jersey City, New Jersey Also manufacturers of Cotton Wiping Waste. *4 MARINE REVIEW—December, 1927 85