ANDREW J. MORSE & SON, Inc. 221 High Street BOSTON, MASS. Established 1837 HAMBURG-AMERICAN LINE Diving Apparatus and Submarine Armor Fire Department Supplies The Morse Monitor Nozzle Callahan Shut-Off Nozzle Passenger Services New York to Cherbourg, Southampton and Hamburg. New York and Boston to Cobh (Queenstown) and Hamburg. Freight Services Philadelphia, {Baltimore gr Norfolk to Bremen and B O I ie E R ge U B E S mburg. ; Tis Seamless Steel—Charcoal Iron—Lapwelded Steel oo Marine and Stay Tubes with Marine Certificates United American Lines, Inc. E. F. KEATING CO. General Agents Est. 1885 446-454 Water St., New York, N. Y. Immediate Shipment from New York Stock Telephone Orchard 9700 26 Broadway New York KELVIN & WILFRID O. WHITE CO. Propeller Wheels, Marine Engines, Brass and Iron sung te TR NNR Sa Castings. Large variety of Grate Bars in stock. NAVIGATIONAL EQUIPMENT Contracts a Specialty H. G, TROU Ico. New Branch now open MONTREAL 226 Ohio St. — BUFFALO, N. Y. 111 Commissioners St. Phone: Seneca 5361 Vessel and Insurance Agents OSBORN & LANGE, Inc. INSURANCE - AVERAGE ADJUSTERS Hulls and Cargoes (All Classes). Direct facilities for placing insurance in all home and foreign markets. INSURANCE EXCHANGE 175 West Jackson Blvd. CHICAGO, ILL. Edward P. Farley & Co. Incorporated Steamship Owners, Agents and Brokers 11 Broadway—New York John J. Boland Adam E. Cornelius BOLAND & CORNELIUS Marine Insurance VESSEL OWNERS AND BROKERS JOHN PRINDIVILLE & SONS Marine Insurance Agents Marine Trust Building Vessel Agents and Brokers 411 Chamber of Commerce Grain Exch BUFFALO, N. Y. MILWAUKEE WINNIPEG Useful Books for the Man Who Is Interested in Ships Marine Engineers Guide—Audel. . vee $3.00 (15s.) Practical Shipbuilding, 2 volumes— Marine ee ae (35s.) AOUNG a ee $22.50 (£4. 12s. 4d.) Marine Steam Turbines—Bauer.... $4.00 20s. Ration Meee Goll Storcgs Heating end (20s.) Navigation—Hosmer............. $2.50 (12s. 6d.) Ventilation on Shipboard—Walker.. $2.50 (12s. 6d.) Navigation and Nautical deci weie: end Operation of Navel Ma- —Coffin-Collins . HORSE a warn $3.00 (15s.) cninery-—-Dinger...........4:..0.... $3.00 (15s.) Wrinkles in Practical. Navigation, Steam Boilers—Peabody. . os BAC 00 (20s.) pocket edition—Lecky. . . $5.00 (25s.) Practical Shipbuilding—McBride.. $3.00 (15s.) Modern simu a pocket eaten Building the Emergency Fleet— Knight.. aGlee ee OO (15s.) eee a is os $5.00 (25s.) Practical Beak aaaiie fer Use in the How Wooden Ships are Built—Estep.. $3.00 (15s.) Merchant Service—ToddandWhall $9.00 (45s.) Steel Ships, Construction and Main- Notes on the Practical Duties of fenance—Walton.. 2... ee $14.00 (£3. Os. 0d.) Shipmasters—Wilkes. . . $2.00 THE PENTON PUBLISHING COMPANY Book Department (10s.) Penton Bldg., Lakeside Ave. and West 3rd St. Cleveland, O. 323 IM 86 MARINE REVIEW—December, 1927