Classified Advertisements For Sale and Miscellaneous—Help and Positions Wanted For Sale and Miscellaneous Advertisements 10c per word—minimum advertisement—$3.00 Six words must be added for box address. To insure insertion, advertisements must reach us by the 10th of the month. Help Wanted WANTED FIRST CLASS SHIP DRAFTS- man for hull, machinery and electrical work. Also experienced estimator. APPLY: The Charles Ward Engineering Works, Charles- ton, West Virginia. For Rent OIL ENGINE MANUFACTURER HAVING a large sales and exhibition room down town, New York, will sublet part of office exhibition space particularly suitable for exhibition of marine equipment or boat display. Address Box 389, MARINE REVIEW, Cleveland. I HAVE A NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, heated day and night, with bath. Will give home cooked meals and room ‘including wash- ing and mending for $10 per week. Mrs. S. C. Wiggans, 1789 West 54th St., Cleve. land, Ohio. TTT TTT TUT CLUE LUGE UCC PEELE UCU UUUTMMGOT MCU OCOTTNOOAINUET CONTI OTT) NTT TT SUUTUTUUQUOASUEAAET TARTANA Help Wanted Advertisements 6c per word—minimum advertisement—$3.00 Position Wanted Advertisements 4c per word—minimum advertisement—$1.00 Please have remittance accompany order. For Sale FOR SALE: MARINE ENGINES AND boilers of all sizes, light draft wooden and steel tug boats for sale or charter, derrick boats, deck scows and lighters for sale or charter. Cowles’ Towing Co., Ohio St., Buffalo, N STEAM TUG “ERNA’”. LENGTH 55’, beam 13’ depth 5’. Engine 12% x i. Boiler allowed 150 lbs. steam. All in first class con- dition. Write or wire Newago Tug Line, Inc. Ashland, Wis. Position Wanted Salesman-Representative Acquainted maritime interests around New York would represent a concern having a product or service salable to vessel owners. R. C. Kip, Room 401, 186 Liberty St., New York City. TO OUR SUBSCRIBERS The classified section of MARINE REVIEW is for your convenience —its value to you depends upon your use of this section. If you want to buy or sell ships or marine equipment—need a man for your organization—make it known to the entire Marine Industry through the use of classified advertising in this publication. Mail copy for your advertisement in the January issue today, forms close December 10. TTT TORT TTT TTT TCSP PULLS LGMUMCLUsG LILI UUALLLGAGLOLO a SCOUOSOGCCGLLLUPCOSLULULLLOGGOLILD OULUOLUOGOOOGOLIIOTOLOGOOOHDODIOTITODOOOOOOOTOOTITNTIIUOONNTONTTODIITTINITUNTTOMHTITIMULINTITEGUUTTMTILIIINITIURUTTMLTOOTONTTTnI TT UTTTTTT MARINE REVIEW——December, 1927 VUOUEGGEAEUOOUOU ECU AN ATAU OEREAAALAU OUTTA | For Sale | FOR SALE ONE SCOTCH BOILER ee ft. dia. 140 pounds working pressure. U. inspection. One pair Twin Scotch boilers yi ft. dia., 180 lbs., Canadian inspection. Also triple expansion engine used with same. One steam windlass with 15’’ chain and another for %4’’ chain, together with anchors and chains. Full stock of secondhand ma- rine machinery on hand. Quebec Machinery & Supply Co. Ltd., 19 Canoterie Hill, Que- bec, P. Q., Canada. Wanted TWO FIREBOX MARINE BOILERS ABOUT 8’ wide x 14’ long containing about 104 tubes 314”’ allowed 100 to 125 pounds pressure. Doty Engineering Company, Toronto, Canada. iz PLL LLL LLL LLL ELLUM LPL ULC MUTUUTMMCUMTIUMMMMMTMMTMEMM 8 ~]