A Almy Water Tube Boiler Co.......... 74 mmerican Bridge — Co.........:......06 68 American Pressed Steel Co......... 58 American Ship Building Co.....6, 7 American Strombos Co., Ince......... 70 American Welding Co.............00 66 B Babeock & Wilcox Co..................0. 81 MeLWIONEM SECCL) CO sick... cceucescies 71 “Boland d& Cornelius. s.c..i.....di.cs5.-.c006 86 C Carpenter, Geo. B.; & Co................. 60 Geen Company; INC. icnsca. 76 Columbian Bronze Corp................. 76 Peiapian Rope: CO. 66o ilies cis ceconese 55 perv. Cues. re BON, INC. ences cae 65 Crandall Engineering Co............. 85 Cummings Machine Work............. 58 D Pre Wngine CO... cpekiilicscieatseeseues 72 Davis Engineering Corporation.... 76 De Laval: Separator: Co..........:..;.. 63 De Laval Steam 'Turbine Co......... 61 Rhee BLOM CTS COs. 0.5 .cssis- en cecesdvaree 64 Detroit Ship Building Co......... G7 Durable Wire Rope Co:::i...:......... 68 E Electric Storage Battery Co......... 53 Ellis Channel System of Steel Pe OMeLTUCHION aoc. cscs ssc 68 F Falk Corporation, The....Front Cover Farley, Edward P., & Co., Inc...... 86 mercwmend, La. W., & Coi,.:...cc0cccce- 58 I CLOMID AIIY 0s sacecigecesoscsscqecreosseosase 85 G Sseneral Blectric Co..........c..0...... oy 8 Goldschmidt, Th., Corporation.... 69 Great Lakes Engineering Works 10 Griscom-Russell Co., The................ 62 88 H HavelsAtias Glass CO... c.ccccsccscsoviesess 68 Hyde Windlass Co............. Back Cover I Independent Wireless Telegraph VRE SES FE PR eRe nee gO ine Toe 64 Ingersoll-Rand: Cov scic.cc.s.ccsscsccec seca 59 Isherwood, POSCD IS Wei isicseideseasseves 83 s Jerguson Gage & Valve Co............. 60 K eeating = Bec We COs tesa disses 86 Kelvin & Wilfrid O. White Co..... 86 L Linde Air Products Co., The........ Lee ee Bans Inside Front Cover M Manitowoc Shipbuilding Corp....... 66 Metal & Thermit Corporation........ 62 Moran Towing & Transportation CO SUNOs e ec se rivsna cages 47 Morse, Andrew J., & Son, Ine....... 86 Morse Dry Dock & Repair Co....... 70 Mulholland Hatch-Fastener Co..... 76 N National Forge & Ordnance Co..... 64 New London Ship & Engine Co..... 75 Newport News Shipbuilding & DEY BOCK OG 2 fs oe es ce as 51 0 Oldman-Magee Boiler Works, Ine. 76 Oliver Iron & Steel Corporation.... 66 Osborn. & ange, Ine. iciscosicsivecsi: 86 MARINE REVIEW—December, 1927 r Peabody Engineering Corp............. 67 Port Huron Coal & Dock Co........ CEO OE OE TONG Core" Inside Back Cover Prindiville; John, & Sons.....20:..... 86 R Radio Corporation of America...... 60 Ritchie; i. 8... & SONS ccs 70 S Sheriffs Manufacturing Co........... 70 pperry Gyroscope: ‘Go... als 3 stamtord, Moundry GO. icisecconsess 72 Standard Motor Construction Co. 74 Standard Oil Co. of New Jersey.... 83 Star: Brass” Mie, COs .acnciccesus 74 Stratford, George, Oakum Co....... 85 pturtevant, BB. FB. Con... Back Cover Sun Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co. 79 T PeOxas CO. New lini 49 RICDOUE, WW 6, Gk: ioreih icity, exes 72 Todd Shipyards Corporation........ 73 Toledo Shipbuilding Co., Ine......... 77 NEDOUG Es eae GO. aketsakaiecte 86 Tyler: Tube & Pine (Co. 72 U United American Lines, Ine......... 86 United States Shipping Board Merchant Fleet Corporation...... 57 Vv Necuum Ol COnwic8. ot ass 4 WwW Walker, Thos., & Son. Ltd............. 74 Washington Iron Works................ 81 Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co. 90 White, Kelvin & Wilfrid O., Co..... 86 Whitlock Cordage Co.......cc.ccccccseses 62 Winton: fineine Oe. ih 89