90 Wes X93649 Service tf perhaps no other branch of industry does service assume such importance as in the marine field. Ships must maintain schedules or heavy losses ensue, and at the same time the service must be absolutely dependable for the protection of life and property at sea. | Westinghouse, by virtue of its enormous resources, is particularly fitted to render quick and dependable maintenance and repair service. In the principal ports of the country Westinghouse has excellently equipped and stocked marine service shops, manned by efficient engineers and mechanics, specially trained in marine work. In addition to this highly specialized marine service department, there is the general Westinghouse Service organization with: representatives in all important cities, capable of handling the majority of marine service calls. Besides casualty service, Westinghouse also provides specialists to superintend installations and instruct engineers in operation. and ordinary maintenance. Inspections of Westinghouse apparatus by these specialists upon arrival of vessels in port is another branch of this extensive service. The importance of this feature lies in the discovery of the necessity for minor adjustments or repairs which obviates serious casualties with their attendant expense and inconvenience. Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company 4 East Pittsburgh Pennsylvania ef \ Sales Offices in All Principal American Cities JP} ‘ BS Service Stations in Principal American Ports ghouse MARINE REVIEW—December, 1927 Bi