R. L. Ireland 1868-1928 Robert Livingston Ireland, one time member of M. A. Hanna & Co., and vice president of the American Ship Building Co., Cleveland, was found dead in his apartment at the Hotel Seymour, New York City, Feb. 17, with four bullet wounds in his body. The case was pronounced suicide by Dr. Charles Cassasa, assistant medical police examiner. Mr. Ireland was 60 years old and had been in poor health for consid- erable time. He was born at Strat- ford, Conn. and was graduated from Yale in 1890. He then entered the employ of the Cleveland Hardware Co., Cleveland. Two years later he organized the Hackney Bicycle Co. but soon went to the Globe Iron Works, Cleveland. He also was an official of several dry dock and shipping companies, and in 1899 he became vice president of the American Ship Building Co. He resigned that position in 1903 to become a member of the firm of M. A. Hanna & Co. He retired from active business in 1917. Robert J Aspin Dies The death in Florida on Feb. 14 of R. J. Aspin who had been super- intendent of the National Tube Co.’s dock at Lorain, O., since its opening in 1899, came as a shock to his large circle of friends among the vessel men, as he was one of the best known and well liked men on the Great Lakes. He conducted his duties in an efficient manner and was always willing to do a service for the ships and the men who called at his dock. He leaves a widow and one daughter. Ocean Freig ht Rates Per 100 Pounds Unless Otherwise Stated ‘Quotations Corrected to Feb. 20, 1928 on Future Loadings FREIGHT RATES STEADY WITH SLIGHT CHANGE NOTE: New York Cotton to Grain Provisions (H. D.) Liverpool...... 2s Odt £0.60 $0.40 London... 2s Odt 0.60 0.40 CEOs oe iawn $0.15 0.45 0.50 Copenhagen... 0 15 0.45 0.50 Hamburg...... 0.10 0.55 0 45 Bremen....... 0.12 0.35 0.45 Rotterdam and Amsterdam.... 0.10 0.32% 0.40 Antwerp...... 0.10 0.32% 0.20 Havre.i.c.sss 0.09 0.55 O54 Bordeaux...... 0,09 0.55 0.31 Barcelona..... 0.50 0.30 Lisbon: . 2) 5. 0.75 0.50 Marseilles..... eae 0.65 0.40 Genoa. cose 0.14 14.25 0.50 Naples........ 0.14 14.25 0.50 Constantinople. 0.27 20.00T 0.85 Alexandria.... 20.00T 0.85 Alpiere os cs sis.0 0.75 0.60 Dakat co vais 17.00 Capetown..... 18.00 Buenos Aires... 22.00T *#Riode Janeiro 22.00T Pernambuco... Pear, 22.00T Havana....... 0.35* 0.50 ister Vera Cruz.... 0725 0.30 0.35 Valparaiso... . 1.07 Sos San Francisco.. aoa 0.35 to 0.70 bce Sydney... 363.25 18.00T 1.25 Calcutta... <<. 0.60 T—Ton. {Per quarter of 480 lbs. Landed. t{Heavy products limited in length. *Ext h f h : **Plus $0.50 surcharge on all rates to rt de Janeiro on account of concesten: Tespen ieee General cargo ttFinished REMARKS From North Pacific Lumber Flour cu. ft. 100 lbs. steel Freight Offered Ports to Per m. t. 0.20 $0.50 $0.90" $8 .OOT *** Quiet San Francisco. ......... $4.25 to 4.50 0.20 0.50 0.90 8.00T *** Quiet South California........ 4.09 to 4.75 0. 30 0.42% 0.85 8.00T Quiet Hawaiian Islands....... 9.00 to 10.00 0.30 0.50 1.00 8.00T Quiet New Zealand........... 15.00 to 18.00 0.22 0.50 0.90 10.00T Good SMANEV cea ceee eae 11.00 to 13.50 0.22 0.50 0.90 10.00T Good Melbourne-Adelaide..... 12.00 to 14.00 Feru-Chilevs ei sgacsucs 11.75 to 14.00 0.23 0.40 0.75 9.50T Fair South Africas. ...i.. 0.1: 20.00 to 22.00 0.23 0.45 0.80 9.50T Fair Cove sk ee 16.00 to 17.00 0.30 0.45 0.80 9.00T Quiet United Kingdom........ 67s 6d to 70s 0.30 0.45 0.80 9.00T Quiet Baltimore-Boston range. .$11.00 to 12.00 10.00 bags —12,00T— 10.00T Fair Florida Range........ No. rates 8.00T bags —23.00T— 8.00T Poor Pictet kee 12.00 to 15.00 7.00 bags —23.00T— 8.00T Popr’ Gish Ache ae : 9.00 —23.00T— 11.50T Fair Odst nen ek Wee 14.00 to 17.00 9.00 —23 .00T— 11 50T Fair South America — West 0.40% —94.00T-— 11.50T Siow Coaster, tic cis se a een 11.75 to 14.00 0.40% —24 00T— 11.50T rape Chinas occu alee. 10.00 to 10.50 0.18T bags <93"00T— 11.50T Pao Tapani ce view cones: 8.50 to 9.50 15.50T 12°98 OOT= 11.50T Fair Japan (logs)icc sc ececcsns 12.00 to 14.00 13:00 20.00 13.00 to 18.00 Good Atlantic—Gulf.......... 12.00 to 13.00 20.00 to 22.00T+ 8.00 to 8:80T Fair ee 20.00 to 22.00T+ 7.00to7.70Tt Fair ie ae eee 9.00T —22.00T—t 9.70T+ Fair U. K. and Continent 0. 30* 0.61 1.33 10.00 Fair (gross CON) pe eee 30s to 32s 6d 0.25 0.5214 1.05 0.30 to 0.35 ee Oriental Ports (net tons).. $3.50 to 4.50 0.70 HS hae a aig iane 10.00T Fair 0.40 to 1.10 eet Ss te 0.25 to 0-30 Fair . i 18.00T 19,004.07 9.0040. 12-—T Verpliche DO Wee ena He Eee es sce 10.00T —16.00T— 10.00T Fair er barrel. The coal strike in Principal Rates To and From United Kingdom s Grain, River Plate to United Kingdom.. 22 Coal, South Wales to Near East....... 10 Coal, aout Kingdom to Buenos eee 12 Manganese Ore, Poti to Philadelphia... $4.00 d 6 Pigiron, United Kingdom to New York or 6 Philadelphia A gt et cccule nents ghai gw gets Scaheas 12 0 Iron ore, Bilbao to Cardiff. ......0:..65. 5 11 Tron ore, Huelva to Phila. or Balto...... Bunker Prices ***Plus 15 per cent. ritain is now settled and freight rates or bunker prices for coal or pig iron are again quoted. General cargo rates to Havana change daily and are omitted for the time being. Rates to Calcutta are subject to change mi boue notice. Cotton goes mas Bombay. Landing charge of $2.00 per freight ton at Valparaiso, Oon A At New York At Philadelphia Other Ports Coal Fuel oil Diesel engine _ Coal Fuel oil Diesel Eng. oil Boston, coal, per ton.... .... alongside alongside oil alongside trim. in bunk alongside alongside Boston, oil, f. a. 8., per . ie 7, oe he a ; arrel per gallon per ton per barrel per gallon san f a ae ‘ pr. @5, 5 eae Apr. 19, 1927. 5.15@5.65 1.81@1.86 5:38@5.64 Hampton Roads, coal, per May 19°... a 5.65 1.81% 5.63 May 1a. 5.15@5.65 1.7534@1.76 5.14@5 38° ton, fob. pare SE 3st to 4.50 June! Sst oe 5.50 1.71% 5339 June 18 5.00@5.25 1.70 §.12@5.14 Feb. 10— Cardiff, coal, per [a4 ban bo Meare ae 5.65 1.65 5.24 Daly Qe ely 5.00@5.25 1.65 @1.70 5.10@5.12 RON ea eae ces 13s Od ene. (A elas 5.50 Lie 515 Auge 19 es 525 1.70@1.71 5.12@5.14 London, coal, perton...—s — Bene Rear ee cer ae meet oy aa oo Ls vey 5.12@5.13 paywere coal, perton..19s Od faye 10 Naresarnr ess . . . Fa 4 US as ca Pio | 9 ERRIA Nabari a eee caer t ° Nov. 18 5 205.65 1.46% bya Bs) Nov. 18 5.20@5.65 1.45@1.46 4.88 @5.12 Aetwein, Dil clper oi Fae ee oe e 3283 85 tase pute ae AUER gee yaeae ater as . Pe eee 4.88 @5.12 ROD, Ss sehen ee Gd Big ersc ; ; 6 Ae RA RRS a : 22@1.2 4.90@5.12 British ; Feb. 20, 1928. 5.25@5.60 1.40 4.92 Feb. 20, 1928.. 5.25@5.60 1.21@1.25 49008 12 Brush coe peer ie a 48 MARINE REVIEW—March, 1928