[J pep VE ire protection in plan and ele- vation eee In the diagram at the left is shown a typical installation of a FOAMITE Generator System—the newest development of FOAMITE marine protection. Fire-smothering Firefoam is pro- duced by the FoamIreE Generator on the main deck level, through the automatic mixture of FOAMITE Gen- erator Powder and flowing water from the ship’s water supply system. This Firefoam is carried through fixed piping to distributor heads be- neath the fire room floor, where it pouts out in a thick blanket over the entire area — completely smothering any fire which may occur there. Another pipe line leads to an engine room hose outlet for protection against fires in that space. With such a fire protection system you have the advantages of minimum weight and space requirements, with low initial cost and no maintenance. Write for complete informa- tion, and ask for a demonstra- tion of the FOAMITE Generator. American-La France & Foamite Corporation, Engineers and Manufacturers, Dept. J 2, Elmira, N. Y. ~ AMERICAN-JAFRANCE & FOAMITE PROTECTION = A Complete Engineering Service | for Extinguishing Fires MARINE REVIEwW—April, 1928 13