WOISSISOOLOSOIIIOSS } C< ‘ CLEA A ALLL LRA ARRAN vege) * : ® \ ok Mee ICC LICL OLLLL ECLA AA RAMA eA MA AAA AAEM A AAA AAA AA Ad didididee pA AA Meditate he tech A AAPA AAA A At ORIAL history of the car dumper. At the top is one of the very first dumpers — the end-dump type which soon gave way to the rotary type shown at the upper right. The trim- mer immediately beneath this distributes the coal in the hatches with minimum breakage, the coal virtually flowing from car to hatch. LLL EN LER TRI T the left is a steam-~ electric dumper. The one below is run by electric- ity, nearly 1400 h. Pp. in all. The switchback returns the empties to switching yard. GLLEPSBLELEDIDI LE” IP EPLPEGIFPECLEPEP DROPPED ESIIELLOSESICBEDOSLELORIOBOPIEDOLPEPOLECPIIIBIDBIIDA 4 1 OPIPORO VIDOR PROD ARR ALAA RLLLARALREALAL oF, MARINE REVIEW—July, 1928 81