A New and Easy Method for Quickly Identifying all ColumbianizcMnn Rope For many years, it has been possible to positively identify the Guaranteed Columbian Tape-Marked Pure Manila Rope by means of the famous red, white and blue Tape-Marker. This same Tape-Marker is still used and serves as a medium by which the Columbian Rope Company places its signed guarantee right in one strand of the rope. Now, it is possible to identify Columbian at a glance, for every Tape-Marked Rope contains Red and Blue Surface Markers These markers, plainly visible on the surface, are accurate guides for quickly selecting a quality rope which is tangibly guaranteed. For whatever use this rope is intended you cannot obtain a better line than Columbian Tape-Marked Pure Manila— instantly recognized by the red and blue surface markers. Columbian Rope Company Auburn, N. Y. ‘‘The Cordage City’’ Branches— New York Chicago Boston New Orleans Philadelphia geese aaa seers =f = “ can . /. tt Jemfiy SS ee ECE = Se = MALL ng irs A ae ert oct i, epee) / a SE DGS tM) 5 Sy, oes Wis ly? 4 ties nS ey ‘ ; Bs Rw ee y : iey if C4 .. ae ot Fle 8 MARINE REVIEW—February, 1929