ie eB F IRE WHiiéiL s& if iS YO: UN @€ Fires cannot live when ALFITE guards below Quick and sure to function—with both manual and automatic re- lease—the ALFITE System offers ideal protection against cargo hold fires. No matter how the holds are loaded—no matter how inaccessi- ble the fire, or how highly inflam- mable the cargo— ALFITE (carbon dioxide) Gas works rapidly and surely! It penetrates every crack and corner. It will not damage any cargo, no matter how perishable. It can be installed at moderate ex- pense. In the ALFITE System, carbon dioxide gas is stored in cylinders which are connected to each hold, by fixed piping. Fool-proof dis- charge valves instantly flood any endangered hold with ALFITE Gas, completely smothering fire. One patented valve makes positive a seal against leakage from the cylinders. Write us for full details about this real safeguard to your marine investment. American-La France and Foamite Corporation, Engi- neers and Manufacturers, Marine Dept. J 12 Elmira, N. Y. AMERICAN-[A FRANCE -OAMITE PROTECTION A Complete Engineering Service For Extinguishing Fires MARINE REVIEW—February, 1929