Sturtevant Steam Tur-' bines drive boiler feed pumps on the S$ California. Tler ~ A Dependable Drive for Marine Service The engineer deciding on a Sturtevant Steam ‘Turbine will find that it meets all requirements exactly. Many distinct mechanical features and high operating economy together with an unblemished record for dependable service have made this turbine the ideal auxiliary drive for a ship’s power plant. All parts are easily accessible due to the fact that the casings are split horizontally. The bear- ings are self-aligning, large in diameter and 50% larger, than customary. .. Lhe rotor 6 uniquely constructed with milled-in buckets which can not distort, therefore perfect bal- ance is always assured. The multiple nozzle design al- lows individual control of each nozzle. The turbine is fitted with an independent overspeed governor as well as a regulating governor and balanced valve. You’ll find many more points of interest in our catalog 311. We will gladly send you a copy on request. B. F. STURTEVANT COMPANY, HYDE PARK, BOSTON, MASS. Sales Engineering Offices in Principal Cities UPICVAaNI Marine Equipment C(REG>U-S-PAT:> OFF-) Heating and Ventilating Equipment— Gasoline and Steam Engines oe . Ventilating Sets—Heaters— Mechanical Draft Equipment— Generating Sets—Exhausters Turbines—Motors—Blowers— If You Want the Best Specify : | Hyde S.S. “H. F. HARVEY” owned by Pittsburgh Steamship Co. and built by Great Lakes Engineering Works. S.S. “B. F. AFFLECK” owned by Pittsburgh Steamship Co. and built by Toledo Ship- building Co. “8 | — : : S.S. “S. T. Crapo” owned by Huron Trans- : | . ‘ portation Co. and built by Great Lakes En- 3 gineering Works. These three fine new boats : are all equipped with : : : Quadrant Type 4 Steering Gear i 6 oF : Cx: Gear Windlass a — . Cre Winches Hatch Winches AYDE Quadrant Type Sieaede Gear Bath, Maine New York ee 172 Chambers St. a : MARINE REVIEW—February, 1929