BR ER Fick. E Wi Hoi Lok. ie YO UR «4 IS FOAMITE Protection — for Engine and Boiler Rooms For freighters— for tankers — for passenger ships—for any ship afloat —the FOAMITE Generator System provides ideal protection against engine and boiler room fires. Firefoam, smothering fire under an air-tight blanket of foam, is pro- duced by the automatic mixture of a single powder and water (either salt or fresh). The quantity of Firéfoam is limited only by the supply of powder. Firefoam puts the toughest fire out and keeps it out. It is just as effective on fires in blazing oil or inflammable liquid, as it is on fires in any other type of material. The FOAMITE Generator is mo- bile. It can cover fires in the engine and boiler room through fixed pip- ing. With the aid of hose it can cover almost any other point on the ship. With certain protection it combines minimum weight and space requirements, low initial cost and practically no maintenance. Ask for a demonstration of the FOAMITE Foam Generator. Amer- ican-La France and Foamite Cor- pee Engineers and Manu- acturers, Dept. J 15 Elmira, N.Y. a ** Needless Ruin” describes the FoaMITE Generator Sys- tem and illustrates typical layouts. It also covers ALFITE protection for cargo holds. Write for your copy. AMERICAN-[A FRANCE FOAMITE PROTECTION A Complete Engineering Service For Extinguishing Fires MARINE REVIEW—May, 1929