“Then only, ar under in the depths of her hold, Some gleam of its wonder man’s eye may behold.” —Swinburne. RACH beam, each well fitted timber, each sturdy rib and plank strong enough to stand the wildest gale,—and she’s tight if properly caulked. The experienced sailor knows the value of tight seams—no one need tell him that—but thousands of ships on the seven seas assure him that his seams will be tighest when caulked with STRATFORD OAKUM For almost a century Stratford Oakum has caulked the seams of the finest vessels that sail the seas. Be sure you get genuine Stratford Oakum. There is no other “just as good.’ George Stratford Oakum Company JERSEY CITY, NEW JERSEY Also manufacturers 0 ‘Cotton Wiping Waste Operating for years without interrup- tion on many of the largest ships afloat, Paracoil equipment is accepted as standard throughout the marine world. Paracoil equipment includes the fol- lowing: Feed Water Heaters, Oil Heaters, Oil Coolers, Feed Water Filters and Grease Extractors, Evaporators, Distil- lers, Steam Traps, Exhaust Gas, Steam or Hot Water Generators—for Diesel Plants, and Rand System for Heating Bunker Oil. Write for our interesting catalog. DAVIS ENGINEERING CORP. 90 West St. New York City Factory: Elizabeth, N. J. Baltimore City Office 310 E. Lombard St. Plaza 1935 Sectional View of Interior of Passenger Liner designed on the Isher- wood Combination System (In a vessel of this type, deep transverses are recom- mended for hold construction, but are not essential.) Adaptable to any type but particularly advantageous for passenger liners. SIR JOSEPH W. ISHERWOOD & CO., Ltd. 17 BATTERY PLACE, NEW YORK and 4, LLOYD’S AVENUE, LONDON, E. C. 3 LANE LIFEBOATS WERE SUPPLIED TO THE BYRD ANTARCTIC EXPEDITION C. M. Lane Lifeboat Co., Inc. | Brooklyn, N. Y. New York Office No. 1 Broadway Whitehall 2531 The Maryland Dry Dock Company BALTIMORE, MD. Drydocking, Shipbuilding and Ship Repairs of All Kinds The Most Modern Shops in Baltimore 2—9000 Ton Floating Drydocks - Floating Machine Shop DAY and NIGHT SERVICE Plant Phones: Curtis 0500 - 0501 - 0502 - 0503 MARINE REVIEW—May, 1929 85