stall HE hundreds of customers who now specify Heppenstall forgings are familiar with the dependability of Heppenstall service. To thousands of other purchasers of forgings, manufacturers demanding meticulous combinations of alloys, honest workmanship, experienced heat treating and the facilities of a modern plant in which production is controlled under one roof from pig iron to rough machine forgings — Heppenstall service is offered. Experienced metallurgists and labor- atory experts are at your command. Skilled engineers will confer with you on specifications. The entire service will culminate in products presenting full and complete satisfaction. HEPPENSTALL COMPANY BRIDGEPORT PITTSBURGH DETROIT — Branch Offices: ——————— oe S Brid t New York Philadelphia Buffalo enwick Freres Deer, Cleveland, «Dewalt, dnainmapotls § Syracue Fae EPPENSTALL MARINE REVIEW—March, 1930 13