r SURE fg, SURGE ITU eT CeIn a REA ERECR aRIT ERSTE New beaadist New righing! flew nets! These were thd sah | of New/ England Sacra [ whenthewatersofthp Atlarttic ; had calmed after th War\of \ 1812.Thé fishing indpstry Had \ begun to\grow. Yet\ \only ke- \ cently ha§ this greak indu\try | demonstrated its unlithited PQs- sibilities as\a result of improved Identified with the fishing ihdustry motethan : \ acentury ago way a hemp dealeNin St. Johns- | \ bury, Vermont. Thaddeus Fairbanks Sold. hemp , \that was made into thte cordage used by those pioneer fishermen. It was\yhile engaged in this bu&iness that Thaddeus FaiPbanks—impatient with\he crude weighing devices Ofshis_time— conceived the system of weights and levers which is the foundation of every modern scale. 1930 begins the Second Century of the organi- zation which Wag founded to manufacture Fairbanks Scales. Today the fishing industfysigs. confronted with , problems that did not concern Tts=pigneers. } Fishing has been commercialized. Supply has been stepped up to meet an enormously increased demand. Rigid schedules must be maintained. No longer can fishing vessels wait upon the vagaries of the wind. Yet costs must be kept. : down if favorable profit margins are to be : maintained. Here, again, Fairbanks- Morse is allied wit the industry, the growth of which has parallele its own. First, hemp for cordage. Then, scale refrigeratian and fas&\ \transpartation. \ for we fish. had now \ Faitbanks\Morse Difsel- En- | gines which supply the | dependaHle, low cost power / essential for moder fishing "-vegsels. | | Or/ the Atlantic ani on the / Pacific, vefsel and fleet owners witeriae to F-M Dieséls for main and auxilidry drive. This trend is “natural. Ip#airbanké-Morse TwofCycle Airless _Injectt6n Engingsbuilt by th¢ largest Diesel manufacturers“in the United Atates—the basic advantages of Diesel constyfction are brought totheir highest pointofeffCiency. Theadvantages f of F-M Diesel powef for fishing vessels arg sketched briefly off the following page. You will be interested. Definite facts regarding thefsav- ings and improved efficiency which Faifbanksé Morse Diesel power makes possiblg@re avail- able, without obligation to you. # y A vy PLE Se ———————————— a a] preat industr &. IRBANKS-MORSE DIESEL ENGINES PUMPING AND WEIGHING EQUIPMEN