One of the Prides | of the Pacific | : | A ti, SRUELERD: bg, ok ee . 8 a pgs bs es * + SOR tene & + seams mae Zs Duiaiiiit De S.S. MALOLA and 16 other Matson Line Boats use WESTINGHOUSE HH] Air Compressors Compressed air is now being put to many uses aboard ship ... removing scale and rust. . . cleaning flues and machinery ... blowing alarm whistles . . . operating pneumatic tools for making emergency repairs... and starting Diesel engines. Westinghouse-National Compressors have been in- stalled on the entire fleet of many steamship lines suchas... Export... A.H. Bull... Dollar... Isthmian .-- Lukenbach ... Consolidated... United States Lines ...and Matson. The type most generally used is steam-driven,as shown. Where electric current is available the motor-driven type—in sizes from 3 to 700 cu. ft.—is often preferred. WESTINGHOUSE TRACTION BRAKE CO. General Office and Works @ WILMERDING, PA. WESTINGHOUSE—NATIONAL CU MOUIVOLASOA “QUALITY MACHINES F OR QUALITY SERVICE” 12 MARINE REVIEW—June, 1930