REDUCING NUMBER OF HANDLINGS CUIS COST The marine terminal operator who closely examines suggested plans for greater economy in freight han- dling will find that each plan is founded on this basic principle: ‘“‘Reducing number of handlings saves entire cost of each han- dling eliminated and tends to reduce the cost of the remain- ing handlings.”’ In other words, the secret of lower handling costs lies in reducing the number of times freight must be handled while moving through the warehouse. In scores of terminals electric trucks have proved the most economical and efficient method of reducing the number of handlings. At one terminal, a fleet of: 24 Elwell-Parker electric Tructors re- turned its entire cost during the first 100 days it was in operation. Annual savings amounted to ap- proximately $270,000. Usually the purchase of one Elwell-Parker Tructor for marine freight handling leads to another... and another. Confidence and enthusiasm of the user increases with each installation. Practically every Elwell-Parker Tructor of which we have a record has paid for itself in less than one year. Resolve now to get the complete facts on this labor saving. . . cost saving system of handling freight. Your nearest Elwell-Parker Engi- neer will be glad to talk with you and give you the full story. Call him — or write direct to Elwell- Parker in Cleveland. The Elwell: Parker Electric Co. of Electric Industrial Trucks, Tractors and Cranes for 24 years 4200 St. Clair Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio Tructors MARINE REVIEW—June, 1930 65