A classified-by-products list of adv you want, write us and we wi give you page number of AIR COMPRESSORS—See COMPRESSORS ACETYLENE (Dissolved) Prestolite Co., The, Inc., : 30 E. 42nd St., New York City Prestolite Co., The, Inc., . Auto Gas Div., 30 E. 42nd St., New York City ARMOR (Submarine) Morse, A. J., & Son, Inc., 221 High St., Boston, Mass. AVERAGING COUNTERS Cummings Machine Works, 255 Atlantic Ave., Boston, Mass. BABBITT METAL Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., S. Philadelphia, Pa. BARGES (Steel) American Bridge Co., 71 Broadway, New York City. Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., 233 Broadway, New York City. BATTERIES Electric Storage Battery Co., The, 19th and Allegheny Sts., Philadelphia. BEARING (Rubber) Goodrich, B. F., Rubber Co., Akron, O. BEDS (Metal) Simmons Co., The, 666 Lake Shore Drive, .Chicago, Ill. BINNACLES Ritchie, E. S., & Sons, Brookline, Mass. BLOWERS (Flue) American Shipbuilding Co., Foot of W. 54th St., Cleveland, O. oo (Motor Driven Ventila- tion Sturtevant, B. F., Co., Hyde Park, Boston, Mass. BLOW TORCHES (Acetylene) Prestolite Co., The, Inc., Auto Gas Div., 30 E. 42nd St., New York City : BLOWERS (Turbine Driven) Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co., S. -Philadelphia, Pa. BOATS (Steel and Wood) Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., 233 Broadway, New York City. BOILERS (Marine) Almy Water Tube Boiler Co., 184 Allen St., Providence, R. I. American Shipbuilding Co., Foot of W. 54th St., Cleveland, O. Babcock & Wilcox Co., 85 Liberty St., New York City. Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp., Ltd., Bethlehem, Pa. Great Lakes Engineering Works, River Rouge, Mich. Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., 283 Broadway, New York City. Oldman-Magee Boiler Works, Inc., 36-40 Illinois St., Buffalo, N. Y. Sun Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., Chester, Pa. Toledo Shipbuilding Co., Toledo, O. BOILERS (Water Tube) Almy Water Tube Boiler Co., 184 Allen St., Providence, R. I. Babcock & Wilcox Co., The, 85 Liberty St., New York City. 90 ertisers for the convenience of readers. ll tell you where t any advertiser an -you can get full particulars about products. | ————E—=_~—~——O BOOKS (Technical) Penton Publishing Co., Cleveland, O. BRAKES (Electric) Cutler-Hammer, Inc., 1265 St. Paul Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis. eee ay Boland & Cornelius, Marine Trust Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. Farley, Edward P., & Co., Inc., 11 Broadway, New York City. BUNKER FUEL OIL—See FUEL OIL BURNERS (Oil)—See OIL BURNING EQUIPMENT CABLES Columbian Rope Co., Auburn, N. Y. Whitlock Cordage Co., : * 46 South St.. New York City. CALCIUM CARBIDE Union Carbide Sales Co., : 30 E. 42nd St., New York City CALKING COTTON Stratford, Geo., Oakum Co., 165 Cornelison Ave., Jersey City, N. J. CAPSTANS Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp., Ltd., Bethlehem, Pa. Dake Engine Co., Grand Haven, Mich. Hyde Windlass Co., Bath, Me. CAR FLOATS American Bridge Co., 71 Broadway, New York City. ‘CARBIC Union Carbide Sales Co., 80 E. 42nd St., New York City CARBIC FLOODLIGHTS Oxweld Acetylene Co., The, 380 E. 42nd St., New York City CARBIDE Union Carbide Sales Co., 80 E. 42nd St., New York City CASTINGS Bethlehem Shipbuilding Corp., Ltd., Bethlehem, Pa. Great Lakes Engineering Works, River Rouge, Mich. Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., 238 Broadway, New York City. Standard Motor Construction Co., 172 Whiton St., Jersey City, N. J. CASTINGS (Iron) Busch-Sulzer Bros.-Diese] Engine Co., 2nd and Utah Sts., St. Louis, Mo. COMBINATION COUNTER AND TELLTALE Cummings Machine Works, , 255 Atlantic Ave., Boston, Mass. COMPASSES Ritchie, E. S., & Sons, Brookline, Mass. COMPASSES (Gyro) Sperry Gyroscope Co., The, Brooklyn, N. Y. COMPRESSORS Brunswick-Kroeschell Co., New Brunswick, N. J. DRY DOCKS American Shipbuilding Co., Boce of a aa! St., Cleveland. em ipbuildi bikin Ingersoll-Rand Co., 11 Broadway, New York City. CONDENSERS. Dean Brothers Co., : 323 W. 10th St., Indianapolis, Ind. Great Lakes Engineering Works, River Rouge. Mich. Ingersoll-Rand Co., 11 Broadway, New York City Westinghouse Hlectric & Mfg. Co., So. Philadelphia, Pa. CONTRAPROPELLER Collingwood Shipyards, Inc., Collingwood, Ont., Canada. CONTRARUDDER Collingwood Shipyards, Inc., Collingwood, Ont., Canada. CONTROLLERS (Electric) Cutler-Hammer, Inc., 1265 St. Paul Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis: CORDAGE Columbian Rope Co., Auburn, N. Y. Samson Cordage Works, _ Boston, Mass. Whitlock Cordage Co., 46 South St., New York City. CUTTING APPARATUS (Oxy- Acetylene, Oxy-Gas) Oxweld Acetylene Co., The, 30 E. 42nd St., New York City DAVITS Welin Davit & Boat Corp., 3-5 Vernon Ave., Long Island City, N. Y. DECKING COVERING Selby, Battersby & Co., 88rd & Arch Sts., Philadelphia. DEPTH FINDERS Submarine Signal Co., 160 State St., Boston, Mass. DIE BLOCKS Heppenstall Co., 46th & A.V.R.R., Pittsburgh, Pa. DIE STEELS Heppenstall Co., 46th & A.V.R.R., Pittsburgh, Pa. DIESEL ENGINES—See ENGINES (Diesel) ities FUEL OIL—See FUEL DISSOLVED ACETYLENE Prestolite Co,, The, Inc., 30 E. 42nd St., New York City DISTILLING APPARATUS Griscom-Russell Co., 285 Madison Ave., New York City. DIVING APPARATUS Morse, Andrew J., & Son, Inc., 221 High St., Boston, Mass. DRAFT (Artificial and Mechanical for Boilers) American Shipbuilding Co., Foot of W. 54th St., Cleveland. Great Lakes Engineering Works, River Rouge, Mich. Sturtevant, B. F., Co., Hyde Park, Boston, Mass. DREDGING MACHINERY Great Lakes Engineering Works, Baa ‘tae Matai estinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., S. Philadelphia, Pa. “ DRINKING FOUNTAINS Haydenville Co., The, Haydenville, Mass. Great Lakes Engineering Works, River Rouge, Mich. MARINE REVIEW—June, 1930 If you don’t find what o get it. (Index to advertisements will d by referring to advertisement Los Angeles Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Corp., San Pedro, Cal. Manitowoc Ship Building Corp., Manitowoc, Wis. Maryland Dry Dock Co., Baltimore, Md. Newport News Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., 233 Broadway, New York City. New York Shipbuilding Co., Camden, N. J. Sun Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., Chester, Pa. Todd Shipyards Corp., 25 Broadway, New York City. Toledo Shipbuilding Co., Toledo, O. DYNAMOS Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., So. Philadelphia, Pa. EJECTORS (Ash) Great Lakes Engineering Works, River Rouge, Mich. Westinghouse Electric & Mfg. Co., So. Philadelpnia, Pa. ENGINE SPEED INDICATORS Sperry Gyroscope Co., The, Brooklyn, N. Y. ENGINEERS (Marine, and Consulting) Canada Steamship Co., P. O. Box 2430, Montreal, Can. Crandall Engineering Co., Cambridge, Mass. Great Lakes Engineering Works, River Rouge, Mich. Mechanical . Todd Shipyards Corp., 25 Broadway, New York City. United Dry Docks, Inc., 11 Broadway, New York City. ENGINES Busch-Sulzer Bros.-Diesel Engine Co., 2nd and Utah Sts., St. Louis, Mo. Cooper-Bessemer Corp., The, Grove City, Pa. : Electric Boat Co.-New London Ship & Engine Works, 247 Park Ave., New York City. Fairbanks, Morse & Co., 900 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, III. Standard Motor Construction Co., 172 Whiton St., Jersey City, N. J. Sun Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., Chester, Pa. ENGINES (Diesel) ‘ Busch-Sulzer Bros.-Diesel Engine Co.. 2nd and Utah Sts., St. Louis, Mo Cooper-Bessemer Corp., The, Grove City, Pa. Electric Boat Co.-New London Ship & Engine Works, 247 Park Ave., New York City. Fairbanks, Morse & Co., | 900 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. Ingersoll-Rand Co., : 11 Broadway, New York City Standard Motor Construction 0., 172 Whiton St., Jersey City, N. J. Sun Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., Chester, Pa. ENGINES (Internal Combustion) Busch-Sulzer Bros.-Diesel Engine Co., 2nd and Utah Sts., St. Louis, Mo. Cooper-Bessemer Corp., The, Grove City. Pa. Fairbanks, Morse & Co., — 900 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago, Ill. Standard Motor Construction Co., 172 Whiton St., Jersey City, N- Se a are seen ae Poet