the Old Ship Can be Made Equal to New MANY progressive ship operators are equipping their older ships, as well as the new, with Sperry Gyro-Compasses. By this relatively small investment they can make the older ship equal to the new in navigating efficiency. q Competition is keen these days. That is why the wide awake, progressive companies have fitted and are fitting their older ships with the Sperry Gyro- Compass and Gyro-Pilot. qd We will be glad to have our engineers inspect your ships and estimate the cost of providing them with this up-to-date navigational equipment. SPERRY GYROSCOPE CO., In@ BROOKLYN, NEW YORK SAN FRANCISCO SEATTLE 58 Main Street 2737 1st Avenue, South CLEVELAND LOS ANGELES 414 Rockefeller Bldg. 236 Avalon Blvd., Wilmington MARINE REVIEW—January, 1931 15