q EB. ene weep wee winter LGV TALTHIUCU OVEL d period of nine months, Nelseco is prepared to make deliveries of a newly designed 1200 h.p. Diesel which has been developed for use in Diesel-electric installations. The moderate weight and compact design of this new Nelseco model enable it to be used in connection with electric drive at the sacrifice of no more space than is required by large slow-speed direct-connected engines. Furthermore, the first cost of such a Diesel- electric installation is practically no. greater, even though the electrical apparatus is included. Advantages of Diesel-electric over direct drive are well known, a few of which are: Greater reliability at sea; less time lost in port, as repairs may be made at sea without appreciably affecting ship’s speed; most uuuse CONTrOL; use Of One main engine for carrying auxiliary loads in port; saving of cargo space due to elimination of shaft alley. Type 6 mr53, 6cylinder, 4-cycle, mechanical in- jection Nelseco Marine Diesel Engine, developing 1000- 1200 b.h.p. at 250-300 r.p.m., incorporates the soundest and most modern principles of design which have been developed by an organization outstanding in its field for many years. It will be found flexible and re- liable in performance, and economical both in first cost and in operation. We shall be glad to send you complete information about this or any other model. (The range of Nelseco Diesel Engines includes types for tow-boats, yachts, passenger, freight and fishing vessels of all descriptions.) Write for Catalog M-1. ELECTRIC BOAT COMPANY NEW LONDON SHIP AND ENGINE WORKS, GROTON, CONN., U. PE New York Sales Office: 247 Park Avenue, New York City NELSECO Original licensees from and collaborators with M. A. N. since 1910 Boston Representative ELECTRIC BOAT CO. OF MASS. 126 State Street, Boston, Mass. Chicago Representative H. JACOBSEN 25 North Dearborn St., Chicago, III. Memphis Representative J. S. BRONSON 1348 Madison Ave., Memphis, Tenn, West Coast Representative KING-KNIGHT CO. Seattle, San Francisco, Los Angeles MARINE REviEw—January, 1931 57