MWS Te Your biggest chance for micreased profits this year Beco carrying out plans for securing in- creased business this year, why not make a greater profit on the business you already have? Review your ship operating expenses for 1930. If your business is near-average, your expenses were divided about as follows: Cargo Handling. oo a Be, Wages of Crews and Officers............ 16% WO ee he ee 13% Repairs and Maintenance............... 4% EGRESS rie ee a 2% Cemimitssaty... i 2% Pre Wes ee ee a a ee 4% Ceuiel Pole ee ae ee fae Other Insurance, Claims................ 2% Cargo Insurance 360.3 in a% Danes. Depreciation... 2.000.255 0s. 6% Aseneral Overnead os a 11% An Elwell-Parker saves construction of new loading platform. Pictured is the “‘truck of all work’? — the fork type — developed and Oise a ee 100 07,* perfected by Elwell-Parker. Notice the narrow turning platform in cargo handling, it undoubtedly offers you your biggest chance for increased profits this year. In the case quoted, a 20% reduction in cargo handling means an increased profit of 7 to 8%. To make the same profit, through Because such tremendous savings can be made increased revenue, you would need to increase the cargo carried by 20%. Most of your expenses are fixed or offer only a limited chance for reduction. But cargo handling, the head that stands the highest, is the most easily driven down. Elwell-Parker Electric Trucks offer you a mo- bile, flexible means of reducing your handling costs. Nearly every commodity that passes through your terminals can be handled faster and at lower cost by these remarkable ma- chines. A man with an Elwell-Parker moves 2000, 5000 or even 6000 pounds per trip with practically no effort. Danger of accident is reduced and he is worth more because his productivity is increased. 3 Why not get the details now? A short note will bring an Elwell-Parker Field Engineer to your office—ready to explain and offer sugges- tions. Address your nearest office—or Elwell- Parker, Cleveland. *Figures Reprinted from Marine Review. How bales of paper pulp are handled at a Pacific coast terminal. Can you visualize the time and cost of performing this operation by hand? SHIP on CLEVELAND, OHIO SKIDS *Low center of gravity is a notable Elwell-Parker feature. It assures = greater stability on curve, level or in- Ww cline, and permits placing the operator nearer the load, giving him a clear and Designers and Builders of Electric Industrial Trucks, Tractors unobstructed view ahead. This makes for greater safety. and Cranes for a Quarter Conta THE ELWELL-PARKER ELECTRIC COMPANY, 4200 ST. CLAIR AVENUE, MARINE REvieEw—January, 1931 61