SAVE IN PRODUCTION COST with better material-handling Electric Industrial Trucks equipped with Exide-Ironclad Batteries save money N the handling of material, industry to- day has a great opportunity to reduce production costs and increase net profits. This can be accomplished by using electric industrial trucks equipped with Exide-Iron- clad Batteries. Electric industrial trucks move material with speed, efficiency and economy. When powered with Exide-Ironclad Batteries they not only maintain a good speed throughout the entire day’s operation, but do it at the lowest possible cost. Exide-Ironclad Batteries are entirely dif- ferent from all others. Their rugged con- struction, the result of 43 years of specialized manufacturing experience, enables them to deliver years of day-in and day-out service with minimum care and attention. They are long-lived, powerful, and economical at the charging panel. Investigate electric industrial trucks and Exide-Ironclad Batteries for your material- handling job. Write for Bulletin 160-R. THE ELECTRIC STORAGE BATTERY COMPANY, Philadelphia The World’s Largest Manufacturers of Storage Batteries for Every Purpose Exide Batteries of Canada, Limited, Toronto FASTER, QUICKER, more economical handling with electric industrial trucks bowered by Exide-Ironclads. That’s just the kind of handling these trucks do in a large manufacturing plant. And dependable, long-life Exide-Ironclads furnish the power. IRONCLAD BATTERIES MARINE REVIEw—January, 1931