OU decided ADVANCE IN THE ART OF SHIPBUILDING HE 20,615 ton tanker “G. HARRISON SMITH”, re- cently placed in commission by the Standard Ship- ping Co., as also her sister ship the “’W. S. FARISH”, both «constructed by the Federal Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Co., are each propelled by a De Laval Compound Turbine with Double Reduction Gears. Using steam at 400 Ibs. gage and 750 deg. Fahr., this unit develops a maximum of 4400 SHP. at 771% r.p.m. propeller speed, giving a service speed of 11 knots, although the “G. HARRISON SMITH” developed 1114 THE RITCHIE LIQUID COMPASS The Standard Liquid Compass the world over. Used Exclusively in U. S. Navy for over 40 years. Over 65,000 on Merchant Vessels in all parts of the world. Made in all sizes 2 to 12"' dia. knots on her trials. Three stages of extraction feed heaters, waste heat air heaters, electric auxiliaries, high vacuum, high steam pressure and high super heat, together with the efficient turbine design, insure a low fuel oil consumption. De Laval power plants for ships excel in respect to fuel economy, weight and space requirements and cost of operation, and have been most satisfactory in operation. Our Engineering Department will gladly supply estimates. 2030 De Laval Steam Turbine Company, Trenton, N. J. Almy Water Tube Boiler Co. Builders of Sectional Water Tube Boilers U.S, Navy Standard Binnacle Magnets for adjusting Purposes. for all types of vessels E. S. RITCHIE & SONS Brookline, Mass., U.S.A. Agents for the Great Lakes, The Upson-Walton Company, Cleveland, Ohio Providence, R. I. U.S. A. CATALOGUE FREE Baltimore City Office 310 E. Lombard St. Plaza 1935 New York Office No. 1 Broadway Digby 2173 The Maryland Dry Dock Company 3 BALTIMORE, MD. Drydocking, Shipbuilding and Ship Repairs of All Kinds The Most Modern Shops in Baltimore 2—9000 Ton Floating Drydocks Floating Machine Shop DAY and NIGHT SERVICE Plant Phones: Curtis 0500 - 0501 ~ 0502 - 0503 70 MARINE REVIEw—January, 1931